Assalamualaikum and hye,
So today I will be telling a story of how I got myself a free handsfree (excuse the repetitive word of 'free' can't seem to find another word to replace it). In case you are wondering, a handsfree is a must have item for breastfeeding mum who is away from their baby for a period of time (working mums etc.). Having a handsfree surely will save you all the hassle of holding that funnel and bottle while you are pumping and for me sakit tengkuk sbb dok usha tengok botoi tapi kena duduk straight hahaha I donno why I felt like that. So handsfree will give the freedom to express anytime, anywhere you want (I even use it while I was driving sbb stuck dlm traffic jam), in other time I use it every day while sitting at my table doing my works. Okay so kita boleh conclude yg handsfree ni ibarat penyelamat la okay dah masuk cerita dh melalut pulak haha.
The story goes like this; I was surveying a new pump because the one that I was using at the moment is a borrowed one from my cousin (tq kakngah hehe). I was thinking xkanla nk guna yg kakngah ja sampai ke sudah so I went to pumponthego cawangan wangsa maju sbb dekat dgn rumah actually to try their handsfree tp dh alang2 tryla sekali pump. I immediately fell in love with Spectra 9+. I thought the suction was very soft but it was able to express quite a lot in such a short time. But the problem was the price it is very expensive uolzzzz well expected la kan sbb barang bagus sobs (crying) and I dont even experience using medela yet. Okay back to the story; the price back then and it still is; RM 760 😑 so terpaksa matikan impian cause if I knew earlier then I would have make tabung pump on my first day of knowing that I am pregnant haha.
Then one day, my husband was talking about this website called Gmarket where you can buy stuff from Korea and send it all the way to Malaysia. Well, Spectra is actually made in Korea. So immediately I search for it on the website and I found it wayyy cheaper than being sold in Malaysia which is RM 300 (something xingat) but apparently they did not ship Spectra 9+ overseas they only do that for Spectra S9. So that ends my dream of buying it. OR SO I THOUGHT.
Few days after that, I found an advertisement showing the Spectra 9+ with approximately lower price than in Malaysia which was RM 413.85 being sold in 11street. And this is where the drama begins hahaha. I have made a thorough check on the seller checking all the reviews and everything and so far *at that time* I could almost swear that I only found 1 or 2 bad reviews about the seller compared to like berpuluh2 review yg okay so I was very optimist 👍. So I laid all the plan to my skeptical husband 😏 and he agreed so I pun purchase hahaha.
At their page, they have already highlighted that the shipping will be quite slow because direct shipping from Korea kan and from most of the review, they received it around 2-3 weeks time. So I was willing to wait. But 1 week become 2 then 3 then a month! And suddenly secara tiba-tiba all these negative reviews were coming in sobs hahahaha 😂. While my husband tiap2 hari tya pump dh sampai ka belum kahkah. I could almost see a glimpse of hope when one day I received a call from Gdex saying they want to deliver my item. In my head, I was like thinking what item that I bought (sbb time tu dok menggila beli barang baby haha) then I remembered owh maybe pump kot. I was not at home that time kebetulan my dad ada kat rumah dia tlg ambikkan. Bila tya dia pun xtau apadia I even asked that Gdex dispatch boy they also dont know so okay. Time balik tu rasa mcm berbunga2nya nk try pump baru (I even rub it on my skeptical husband that I was not being conned sbb dia dok ckp kena tipu haha). Sampai2 rumah teruih terpa cari kotak nampak2 ja *bunyi kaca pecah* THEY SENT ME THE WRONG ITEM. Sadis nya la time ni dhla tggu sebulan pastu tgok2 hantaq benda lain oulak. They sent me the handsfree instead of the pump sobs.
So now comes to the part when I started the spamming and emailing haha. I spammed hard uolz I can't even believe it hahaha. I even called 11street and they were quite helpful and reassuring. They asked me to send the detail to their email explaining my situation so I did.
After a while longer the seller also asked me to email them the picture of the wrong item so I was like okayyy xkena tipu haha. But after a while krik2 jugak they did not reply my email so I waited like one month then I explode 😡. I sent this really long email to 11street siap ckp lagi kalau xdpt apa2 then this should be my first and last time buying from you siap signed frustrated customer (I know I'm being dramatic but can't help it byk kot duit tuu). Boy, that really got their attention so after a few days I got a reply from 11 street saying that the seller agreed to refund me and as for the handsfree I dont have to return it yeayyy! Time ni yeay dlm hati je sbb takut refund tak dpt so my contingency plan was to sell that handsfree at least I can get half of the money back haha. But after a while (not a while) it was one month! Xdak apa2 hmmmm. And I spammed them again; continuously. Celah2 ni pulak 11street discontinue their costumer hotline like what and whyyy. Time ni dh mcm nk giveup but I was thinking if kena tipu might as well spammed their page let others know. So there I was spamming their page every day with capslock on hahaha. My last action that actually helps was when I posted my complaint on 11street app maybe somewhere at the Q&A section if I am not mistaken. Because at this point the email for 11st complaint does not reply me anymore. So immediately after I emailed, I got the reply and the next day tadaaaa 😆

So the war lasted for about 3 months. The positive light from all this is I got myself this for free~
There are quite a few moral of the story;
1) Jangan sebab nak benda murah you are willing to take the risk of not getting ur item or worse you get it but no warranty since it came from overseas
2) Do not stop fighting for your right. If you know you are not wrong and have all the evidence do whatever means necessary to get thighs right again
3) Thank you 11 street for entertaining me and help me solve my case
4) Honestly, the seller is not a scammer. I think they just have poor management in terms of handling the delivery. But will I try to purchase again? No thank you 😂
Okay so next time I will give my honest review on spectra handsfree lets hope I am rajin enough to type it. Post ni pun lama gila dok dlm draft hahahaha.