Wednesday, 25 May 2011

new sem!

it has been 3 days actually since the first day of class
so after a very LONG semester break
i went back to utp at sunday 22/5/11
with khai and mas
after arriving at my beloved room i know this is real
haha..the fact of i will be starting a new sem despite of just finishing final exam last2 week
the next day, i went to class feeling a little bit of lazy*byak sebenarnya hehe
the PI (process instrumentation) start at 9 am
hahaha..kat block 14 plak tu!! hujung dunia okayy
smpai2 je..tggu punya tggu smpai 915 kot
lecturer xsampai2 gak wuwuu
so..kitorg pun bergerak k kelas seterusnya which is at block 2!!
ITM (intro to management)
huhu jauh glaa jgak..lecturer dia muka and perangai sebijik mcm shahir aizat hehe
okayy soo..kelas ITM sgatla mengantuk
bukan lecturer bosan tapi ak yg mengantok glaa
ak pun slow2 sembunyi blakang mira and nk lelap mata dh..
tuptup!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA guess whatt???
henset ak bunyi!! hahahaha..deng! malu glaaa kott..hehe..
dhla time tu ak dok ujung skali nk dkat blah laki tu 
and shin chan ak gelak..haha..dhla ak ltak ringtone volume 6! haha
deng! dhla time tu lecturer buat lawak and time tu plak la enset ak gelak plak
dia siap kata "it is like the handset is being set to laugh at my joke" hahaha
okayy..muka ak merah gla and dayu dok gelak2 smpai nk pecah perut
ha.abis mengantuk ak..hehe

thanx to shin chan agaga

okayy so..lect thermo..ermm..hensem..mcm chris martin coldplay
tapi garang nk mampuih
xleh masuk lambat lgsg dia marah and kunci pintu
hehe..then probstat..bestla kot
lect dia mcm lawak je hehe..
french pun lawak gla dia ajar..fun2 gitu hehe
sepro 2 indian lecturer
huhu..rajin gla dia cek attendance sorg satu kot
means dia sebut nama sorg2 hehe
adala 15 minit gtu hehe
so overall is
total kredit hour ak 18~ haha..
byak glaa..cuak ak...huhu
ermm..jadual kali ni pelik gla2..huhu
ari isnin, rabu, kamis ak ad kelas 5-7 huhu
sedeyh glaa....ok..sila bertahan and berubah!
be strong izzati! agaga..:D

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