this is last week punya story
hehe..soo...what happen is i bought the multi-cooker hehe
and also some of other stuff like prawns, chicken, sayur bla3 okeh byak sgat sbnarnya hehe
soo..the first menu that we cooked is jeng3....
ikan bilis kentang masak merah hehe
it is tasty of course haha..
bila masak sendiri memang sedap
sbbnya, the fact is..ak dh muak and bosan makan kat lafe haha
so it is really great when we cooked it ourself hehe
okeh 2,3,4 bla3
kitorg masak tomyam, ayam masak kunyit, udang masak merah,
makaroni, sup sayur, bla3.., we save at least RM 8/day
well, at least it is for me hehe..
okeh..yg tu je kot..nantila story2 lagi hehe..babai :)

udang nyonya betawi hehe..tempting gla gambar dia hehe..nk buat yg ni la nanti hehe

heee...sedap kn :)

udang black pepper :D

sotong oriental

kerabu sotong :D
heee...nk2 buat ni semua nanti :)

udang nyonya betawi hehe..tempting gla gambar dia hehe..nk buat yg ni la nanti hehe

heee...sedap kn :)

udang black pepper :D

sotong oriental
kerabu sotong :D
heee...nk2 buat ni semua nanti :)
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