Thursday, 15 September 2011

its hard to say goodbye :(

after the crazy night-out with GPL
wan and I still have some unfinished business to do 
that is; farewell note for our beloved friend, izyan izzati abbreviated yan
so what we did was, we cut a cute alphabet thingy which we found on the internet and then we paste it on a file then we cut it, punctured it and we use the rope to hold all of the alphabet together
aiya! susah betul mau ckap, tunjuk je la eh

ni yan yg tgkap haha..
so, what we did is, bila dh siap semua ni kitorg pun masukla bilik yan diam2
and luckily yan tido! ak ngan wan gantung benda ni kat locker dia ngan locker wan
then kitorg pun tido zzzzzzzzzzzz, maklumla dh penat jadi artis kan tadi hehe 
sepatutnya ada kek secret recipe tap ad kat ammar
ak plak lupa nk amik hoho
so yg ni je la yg ada hehe..
sedih gla yan dh xd..dia nk g intern dh next sem huhu
tapi of course org paling sedih mestila wan..diorg dh jadi roomie since foundie kot
time antar wan esoknya tu, time dia salam2 ngan yan
ak plak yg sebak*yela wan nangis kot huhu
sedih2..after this no more yan, no more great photos, no more crita2, no more masak2, no more moviess and no more yan.huhu..sedihh
she is always the one yg byak gla opinion pasal something and she always think like a matured girl gtu
serius akan rindu yan 
goodbye dear friend :(

cerita after final part II

hoho..tau x GPL ni stands for what?
it actually stands for Geng Parti Liar
haha..liar kah kitorg? owhh..nk kata liar tidaklah liar mana
suam2 kuku je..haha..
we are actually a group of chemy gurls yg slalu hangout sama2
so the story after final was actually to continue our raya plan yg aritu xsempat nk buat sbb org dh balik raya
hoho..mula2 plannya nk g photoshoot kat tasik then malam plak nk main bunga api kat tasik
pakai baju kurung la kan..ak ngan wan plak nk masak spaghetti utk smua
tapi alih2 kes sepro yg susah glo tu semua pakat2 tido petang tu and at last
plan di-postponed ke malam plak..
malam plak..kitorg just mkn2 kat V5 then jalan kaki g pavilion utk main bunga api!! hoorayy
smpai2 je..dua2 pavi tu dh ad org so, kitorg pun duduk je la dlm gelap main bunga api hehe
bunga api tu disponsor oleh...jeng3...che'ju haha
semua ad 50 dengar mcm byak je..tapi dh main3 eh kejap nye..dh abis k?
haha.. kamera ak plak bukannya kamera dslr k apa so, xleh la nk tgkap gmbar time main bunga api huhu
dh abis main bunga api tu, kitorg punyala gigih nk tgkap gmbar jgak last skali lighting guna lighter tu dua
and lampu henset jgak..haha..desperate gla! punyala nk bergambar kan..smpai panasla tgan ni dok tahan api lighter tu bagi menyala..haha..

me and yun*terbako muka pun ak rela punyala nk tgkap gambar kan haha

me and wan..haha sweetkan kitorg..mata wan..aii romantik gla haha, melting la kalau tempat ak tu tukar ngan jetjet dia hehe

dh abis camwhore kat situ
kitorg pun jalan la plak nk sambung kat chancellor hall; situ kan lighting lawa hehe
jalanjalan, eh! ad lampu besarla plak kat sini, okeh..brenti jap tgkap gambar haha
dengan max 24:7 nye lagi haha..adoi..memang lawak!
ad yg kitorg lompat2 tapi gambar xjadi..maklumla kamera cikai je hukhuk

ni adalah muka LOL and wajib buat! haha..

tgok apala kat atas tu..superman terbang kot haha

oh no!! the light!! it really hurt my eyes. seriously!

max 24:7 sweet haha

dh abis smua kitorg pun pgla CH hahahaha..
camwhore xingat ap! pakguard dlm tu tgok je kitorg..ntah apala yg diorg ckap kat kitorg kan hehe..
kitorg siap baring2 lagi tau..jgan main2 hehe..

the beautiess haha

all of us :)


ak ngan che'ju

haha ak suka gambar ni! yun yg edit :D

*time ni serius ak tido! haha penat

dh abis penat dh time tu pkul 1 kot!
haha..sakan gla! bateri ak pun nk abis dh time tu haha..
kitorg pun balikla...smpai2 je..terus je che'ju buat group GPL kat facebook and ak pun terus je upload semua gambar dlm tu hoho
tau total gambar kitorg brapa??
198 kot! deng..kitorg memang gila gambar kan..hehe
overall, memang best! 4 jam bersama korg memang xterasa!
kepayahan menjawab exam semua dh hilang! xingat langsung dh! thankss :D
nanti kita buat lagi eh
next year dh byak plan utk GPL, yg pasti, jgan tggal kamera! hoho

conclusion: i love my gurlsss! :) 

Monday, 12 September 2011

end of final

cerita after final 
hohoho..yesterday was the last paper for chemy students which is sepro II
comments?? denggg the questions were SUPER HARD seriously meh!
xpernah ak rasa seblurr begitu huhu
dhla appendix ad tapi bagi equation yg xyah guna dlm soklan deng! 
overall memang teruk gla! dhla mlas nk describe panjang2 huhu
bio je la begitu 

so...after balik tu terus je ak tido
zzzzzz....tido smpai 4 jam kot 
pehh tido lena gla!
after 4 days of a terrifying + super-exhausted days it all end yesterday
although it didn't end well, adoi..nvm la..there's always next sem rite
so..nnt la ye kita berusaha betul2 ye hehe

Saturday, 10 September 2011


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i tersilap buatla u
huhuhu..again, i always not being able to answer simple question, why oh why?? huhu
and that fugacity, u make me so confusela..last2 misinterprete lagi!
hukhuk..but overall..i don't feel that sad cause i know i had done my best this time
yaaa i love thermo*sbb lecturer ensem! hehe
now nk tgok sepro plak please! mcm ad harapan je ni :D

Friday, 9 September 2011

pemusnah harapan

hahahahaha silalah tgok jadual sy yg sgat HEBAT ini huahua
walaupun arini dh masuk ari yg ke-2 still nk letak jgak
cause this has been the cause of my failure so far
now i know that it is hard for me to excel in answering exam without a good, proper rest first
i tend to become unfocus, confused, careless and all of that sort of thing
just like the PI paper earlier, i wrote different value on my answer with the one in the calculator
not to mention, fail to answer all question since i terlepas pandang soalan tu
see how careless i can be? huhu..sedeyh..but still, i have no choice u see
i need to study cause if i sleep i will wake up feeling like i haven't studied at all
so all the burning the midnight oil is just like an assurance for me to feel safe to enter the examination hall tomorrow
not to mention, i just have sooo many to revise huhu
lets just hope same things won't happened again
although i must admit, it is kinda weird cause last sem i can survive having not enough sleep with answering the exam
or maybe that time i was just being totally prepared and ready for it?
and this time is because i have just messed up myself? 
haha don't is kinda true..i need to change, PLEASE!


i think i may have developed chronic stress caused by the paper that i took earlier today
haha..ayat nk teruk ja kan hehe..but seriously..balik tu pening gla rasa
berdenyut kepala ni xtau pasaipa huhu..last tadi dh mandi basah kpala semua ak pun tidoq dgan bahagianya
3 jam plak tu..dhla pi xstudy lagi haha..bangun2 still rasa pening2 so ak pun mintakla salonpas kat wan
ni tempek smpai 2 kot kat blakang leher ni..
alhamdulillah..dh lega skit..kepala pun xberdenyut2 kuat dh :)
owh, i need to study..

p/s: lapaqla..masak pama la camni :D

Thursday, 8 September 2011

kecewa tahap max

arini exam probstat and itm sgatlah mengecewakan ak
huhu..dgan c/w yg nyawa2 ikan, probstat ternyatalah telah menghancurkan harapan ak utk dpt elok sem ni huhu
soalan apa yg kluar..ntahloo ak pun xtau i cannot brain this!! huhuhu
xpernah ak masuk exam hall dgan keadaan di mana semua bende yg ada jadi confuse utk interprate deng!
and xrasa konfiden langsung dgan jawapan2 tadi; dhla box plot salah buat! ngeng! huhu
plus, this is my last mathematics subject kot! huhu..whyyy it must ended so badly

itm plak..walaupun c/w sgatlah memberangsangkan..hukhuk
knapa kna ada smpai 100 soalan bulat2?? naik pening dok baca soalan yg ntah ap2 
dhla smpai 13 chapter..aiyaa...tolonglah..i'm not used to memorizing subject anymore
dulu time sejarah spm xpala wuwuu
dgan lapar yg tahap ap and ngantuk tahap teruk gla
aaaa i'm in bad condition..
depressed hahaha ayat mau teruk gla! hehe
aiyaaa...tapi xpala
let bygone be bygone
esok, lusa tulat paper straight kot!
dont blame it on me, blame the cruel time-table! haha *denial me! :D

Sunday, 4 September 2011


come on quick update
after penat mengadap buku cewahh ye k? hehe
allrite ni gambo2 time raya aritu 

ad yg edit ad yg x hehe..
so, tgok2la ye..nantila describe panjang2 plak :D