Saturday, 28 January 2012

GPL; kembali ke sekolah :D

first day of being a 3rd year 1st student.
muahahaha...bangun awal gla.pkul 615 kot.
semangat la sangat kan..padahal xboleh tido sebenarnya.hee
nervous2..dh lama xmasuk kelas dan belajar.haha
siap2.GPL dh decide nk pakai baju kurung so baju kurung la semua org.
mcm nk pg raya dh rasanya..dhla warnawarni je semua org.hehe
rombongan cik kiah nk pg meminang pun ada jgak.hee..
so..tgok je la gambar2nya ye.
nk citer pasal kelas nothing interesting pun since i feel so sleepy.
mata pun mcm nk xnk je nk bukak.
so far what i know is, subject RE mcm O.CHEM and CPDC lect hensem.orait.haha
layan gambar..zaass~
p/s: the funny thing is, our eyes were so wide open when sembangsembang but when it time to the lecture zzz...sorry so sleepy..

that is so fake of me haha..ceria semacam haha mereka yg not so early bird tadi.hehe..ksian kat xsampai..huhu

3rd year 1st, okeh please wake up from is 2 years now from graduating.

bwekk..still got time to jimba2.haha..especially with the GPL :D


miramisao said...

hahah comelllllllll. bile nk picnic sama ni?

Anonymous said...

mendoakan yang terbaik untuk anda

Izzatipatrick said...

misao..kan2? hehe..boleh jom kita berkelah ngee...

anon; thanks :)

Anonymous said...

mendoakan yang terbaik untuk anda

Izzatipatrick said...

orait thanks :)