Sunday, 8 January 2012

son goku!

rite now i'm addicted to this manga. haha dh lama dh baca
since zaman berhingus2 lagi.only now rasa nk baca balik tu tiba2 sgat membuak2 la
memang nk sgat3la baca balik komik yg best ni
so tadi did some online reading found one but then proses baca jadi slow since kna tekan satu2 untuk go to the next page
but then thanks to my lil brother who installed this awesome application inside my lappy
now it is easier to read this comic online dh smpai part goku masuk tournament tu hehe
fyi, since pagi tadi lagi ak baca tau
my brother plak baru buat maghrib tadi
esok laju skit kot my rate of reading? hehe who knows..
ni ada some of the comic yg ak amik hee
but i kinda like it more if it in bm.

Dragon Ball 32 - Page 11

comel gla goku pakai kot semua ngee :D
 Dragon Ball 33 - Page 3

tiap2 ari ak akn baca dragon ball ni huahua


Mohamad Shahrilniza said...

baca yang indon plak..nah

Izzatipatrick said...

indon? haha xnkla..nk yg bm xd k? hehe

Mohamad Shahrilniza said...

hek? bm leteww

Izzatipatrick said...

bm k tu? ckap indon? hehe..ok2 jap nk usha hehe