Wednesday, 29 February 2012

29 februari

my first post for this date.
maklumla, datang pun 4 tahun sekali.
ak start blogging 2009 so betolla ni first post ak hehe.
for all those leap-year babies; happy birthday and celebrate hard
cause u guys only come across this date once in 4 years. 
special indeed. 

so, this is a special date.
but not that so special day for me.
today is the election day for my university.
online voting; first time kot.
it makes the job easier but then we need to walk till ch to vote.
peh.malasnya haii.. nasib baik memang ada kerja kat situ kalau x jgan arapla nk pg. 

so, the first chronicle of my 'lucky day'
i lost my matrix card.
owh malangnya. dhla arini barula ak nk jadi baik pakai matrik kad bagai.
skali ilang plak kadnye tinggal card holder je. huhu..
act i just noticed it when i arrived at the basement for collecting my online bag.
bila nk bagi kat pakcik tu tgok2 kosong. nasib baik ada matrik kad yg fotostat punya. huhu..

then. malang kedua. barang ak xde. huhu..sedihnya..
penat i jalan tau. lama gla pakcik tu dok cari barang tu. 
tapi xjumpa2 jgak huhu..
antar mesej kat yan tapi dia ad kelas kot so dia lmbat reply.
maka beredarlah ak dari situ dgan hati yg kecewa.

3rd. lpas basement nk g lab buat comsol
wan ana mezat smua dh pg dulu
blok ni plak awatla yg dok hujung skali ni...huhu
jalan punya jalan. then dgan konfiden ak kira blok
owh ni blok 4 ni mesti smbung dgan blok 5 ni.
naik punya naik dh tgkat 2. eh. awat ada lagi satu blok kat hujung ni? huhu
silap naik rupanya. sadis. since structure blok ni sedikit curve maka susahla skit ak nk nmpk kewujudan blok lagi satu tu.
actually ada je dia tulis no blok kat bawah lagi. knapa la xtgok.huhu..
trun tgga pg daki gunung lagi satu.
smpai2. adoi. xpaham. hantam sajala labu. janji hantar. hehe..

4th. balik bilik. dhla hujan lebat. xbwak payung plak tu.
nasib baik beg waterproof gitu. hehe..
cek2 elearning. apakah??
bad boys list. *transport phenomena. haha
act dia letak id smua org skali dgan attendance.
ak usha id ak. eh 45% je??? wth?? baru xdtg 2 kali kot.
but then usha org yg dtg full pun 65% je yg pling tggi.
maka. skali xdatang tu worth brapa percent?
adakah 10%??? haha..adoi. ntahla labu.
and what worse is. those below 50% see me at my office tomorrow.
bring all tasks?????? hahahahaha
ak memang antar smua task. tapi satu je yg ada copy kat ak 
yg lain xd sbb tiru dlm kelas then trus antar. haha.
gasakla. like i care. soalan test aritu dhla macam tuuutttttttttttttt
haila. TP.TP. u always find a way to disappoint me. *denial me. haha
he said if boys then it is bad boys. but if it is girl it is silly girl
what??? seriously. u can call me bad girl but not silly girl.
i'm not silly. but maybe just in this subject. but then i was blur. not silly okay. hehe.

so, all in all, 29 february not a really special date for me.
but for those yg ada something special on this date. tahniah.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


hari jumaat aritu ak ikut wan balik rumah dia
sbbnya kakak dia kawen ari sabtu tapi jumaat pagi tu dh akad nikah dh..
xsempatla kitorg..huhu..
pagi tu kitorg bertolak pkul 9 brapa ntah naik bas kat taman maju
nama pun kesatuan. adoi.lama gla la nk smpai destinasi huhu
mana xnye dh smpai gopeng kna amik bas lain lagi, demn kesatuan. 
last2 kitorg smpai butterwoth nk dekat pkul 2 kot then amik satu lagi bas pg kulim
total 3 bas kot. nasib baik smpai2 je cousin wan amik
so selamat la kan hehe..
journey nk g rumah wan serius jauh gla and susah dpat line jgak hehe
smpai2 oh my gas..ramainya org..esok nk kenduri kan padanla..
masuk2 tu pun penuh org. dok pakat boh bunga telur la mcm2 la kiranya
okeh. conclusion nya what i like about there are:

the fact that diorg ni bukan adik bradik pun but they act like they are connected. seriously. nk tumpang rumah nk mandi pun mintak je diorg akan benarkan and kita xkan segan pun dgan diorg. awesome! :D

air mandi yg sgat sejuk. mcm baru kluar drpd peti ais. serius. so refreshing!

kambing2, itik2, lembu2 yg berjalan2 tanpa rasa takut dan manusia juga xtakot dgan depa owh ak takut la jgak kan. hehe..seriously there were like kitty cats wandering around happily hehe..

okeh. yg lain2. tgok gambar ye. overall memang best. ak jarang skali involve dgan kenduri kat kampung. takat pg makan je. hehe.. xdla ak pg and tgok whole process. kali ni je yg berkesempatan. 
and what i can say is, environment dia sgat lain. tapi sedikit penat la kan. serius penat. cewah padahal bukan ak yg buat kerja pun. hehe
penat here is referring to wan and family dia la. ak nk menolong pun xmampu la sgat. sbb ak memg xreti. haha.
wan ckap dia mcm pg camping yg panjang hehe..
overall, family wan memang baik2 belaka. thanks for the foods, the stay and the memories :)
and to kakak wan-kak chik; slamat pengantin baru..semoga berbahagia hingga ke anak cucu :D

kakak wan and hubby dia. sama padan kan? hee

owh. wan si pengapit perempuan hehe

udang panjat. a must cuisine at rumah kenduri :D

ni kak lin. kakak sulong wan. muka dia nk sama dgan kak chik tu. konfius ak kadang2 haha

owh ok. gambar ak nk menyebok jgak hehe.. teman pg make up smpai abis satu paper metro and 4 buah album ak belek2. punyala lama..huhu

orait. yg tu je nk story.
bulan 9 ni kak lin plak yg kawen. kalau ada rezeki smpai la lagi ak kat mahang tu. hehe :D
although i missed IRCCB family day to gua tempurung but still
not every day org kawen kan. hehe
and gua tempurung bila2 pun ak bleh pg kan. hehe

fun facts: i forgot to bring my purse which contains my ic, money etc. 

i lost my slipper. and pinjam sliper adik wan.

i don't bring my charger bajet bleh guna yg wan last skali chager dia pun rupa2nya rosak. padan muka kitorg xdk henset. end up with borrowing adik wan punya henset

smpai around 6 something start tido pkul 7 and bgun pkul 8 and yes. tomorrow test tp at 9. demn. haha

Thursday, 23 February 2012

appointment with doc gigi

after months of suffering from sakit gigi yg serius sakit xtau pasaipa
akhirnya ptg tadi segalanya selesai
with just 19 minutes, the dentist managed to heal my teeth with her magical touch and her many-awesome tools
hehe..ntah pape
berbalik kpada main point.
rupa2nya ada makanan yg terlekat kat celah gigi ak yg dok kat blakang ni
and when it is stuck there, bacteria will start to work leaving my gum infected with them
that is why when i brush my teeth there will be a lot of blood that tag along with it
sbbnya i'm actually brushing the part of my gum which was being infected
LOL me cause at first i thought it was ulser
cause at that time i was working on my 4 months holiday when i noticed there was a big-balloon shape on my gum at the back of my tooth
seriously thought it was ulser and when it exploded with a lot of blood
i'm just assuming it is okay already not knowing that there are still there
skrang je yg rasa sakit xtahan tu
and yes. i told the symptom to my mum last friday and she was the one who explained it to me.
oh my well-rounded mother. hehe..
tadi pg jmpak dentist haa amikla engkau
teruk ha dia kerjakan. haha
anyway the dentist was a women. a nice one seriously. lembut je dia handle gigi ak
except at that part when she was flossing my teeth
and she even said "mintak maaf ye dik" huh? she flossed my teeth and the moment she was about to pull it back 
i could have sworn that i felt like my tooth was going out too
serius kuat gla dia tarik siap berbunyi lagi.
haha..tapi xsakit pun..terkejut ja..that part yg dia tampal gigi owh.ngilunyala rasa..huhu
and also. i bite the suction pump. haha..then the doc was like.. eh jgan gigit. haha
sori xtahan..muahaha..
bila dh abis smua, doktor pesan 6 bulan skali datang ye buat appointment
owh okay doktor. *last sy pg jmpk doktor gigi adalah time form 1 haha
patutla mcm2 masalah haha
then..nk bayaq bil. demn. lupa bawak kluaq duit tadi.
nervously waiting for the bil and nasib baik total 95 ringgit je..and yes. i only have that amount in my purse hehe

so..silalah insaf skrang ye. sblom tido gosok gigi. and flossing jgak. my mum pesan kumoq listerine. owh believe me, i will do all of it. cannot bare to go through that process again. hehe..

anyway i love doktor gigi! they fix my teeth and i can smile again. haha lol. mcmla selama ni ak xpernah dok sengih. :D

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

i am craving for a cupcake

not 'a' cupcake it is actually a lot of cupcakes

i don't know if i want it because of the taste or is it because of the looks

haha..80% will be the looks and 20% is for the taste


it is hard to find a cupcake which has both of the criteria

good taste and great look

if u find some, do roger me ok? haha


before i leave here are some pictures of the cupcakes that i am craving for

do u think it is great in taste? cause the looks were awesome.

or maybe there are just decorating it for the sake of the pictures.

air liur meleleh..o my gasssssss~
that cookie monster. seriously tempting. ;)

Monday, 20 February 2012

12 hours of outing :D

it is 12 hours. for me and wan that is.hehe
it was on last saturday
the day that i want to see the dentist cause my teeth hurt so badly idky huhu
but then when i arrived there, the patient were full and i need to make an appointment on the other day
so the appointment was fixed on monday at 5. 
then, xd arah tuju. since we have no car and this one is rented so we just guess
erm.y not kita pg ipoh jimba2? kitorg pun pg
asal nk pg 2 org je nasib baik yun ngan mira ikut skali hehe
so we shoot to ipoh.

co-pilot sejati.haha

owh. ni mira. gambar yun tggu ye.. ada at the end of the post hehe

smpai2 terus g ipoh parade.

then terus g mkan. lapaq gla kot.
tmpat and menu cam walk. makan bihun tomyam khung. loikeyy..and kerabu kaki ayam jgak! owh.lamanya ak mengidam nk makan.huhu..
then dh mkan2 terus pg usha kasut flat yg tutup and comel tu.serius comel.
murah plak tu. rambang mata den memilihnya.rasa mcm nk amik smua tapi xmampu.
so amik satu je la.huhu..

ni kerabu kaki ayam. sedapnyaaa :D

tomyam khung. memang kaw!

dh beli kasut smua pg jusco plak. haha.nmpak sgat kan ak malas nk taip.
gambar kat atas tu gambar kasut kitorg.
yg merah tu kasut ana. terserampak dgan dia kat jj.hehe..
ak punya kasut yg kaler grey and ad bunga tu comel kn? hehe..
wan punya kaler hijau tu. grey gelap skit yun lagi satu mira.hehe..
the power of three grey la kononnya hehe..
then pg padini. tp mira je yg nk kitorg pg tgkap gmbar kat signboard padini.
okeh.memang xdk kerja.hehe..

yun spoil gambar wan hehe

ini namanya gambar yun. hehe 

dh abis jj kitorg pg tf value. smpai penuh troli. dhla xd plastik dh ari sabtu kan.
ha.jenoh dok menyumbantnya.hehe..
then, kitorg pun balik.
owh.lupa. this is my first time driving to ipoh. hehe..
surprisingly calm. and xla cuak sgat. well, kret auto kot.
apala yg nk cuak sgat.hehe..
but somehow driving with friends are more relaxing than driving with family or him.
maybe there are less complaining. hehe..
so gurls, have so much fun with all of u..
next time kita kluar lagi ye..bagi wan plak yg drive. hehe :D

Friday, 17 February 2012

[GPL] Pizza time! :D

hyeee..lamanyaaa xupdate blog..muahahaha
dh bersawang cukup..bukan xnk update
tapi malasnyala tgan ni nk menaipnya
padahal ada byak kot draft ni haha..xd ati nk siapkan hehe..
so arini nk citer pasal makan2 pizza kat batu gajah ngan GPL
lpas je abis jawab test 1 cpdc yg ntah pape tu
tgahari tu kitorg trus shoot g pizza batu gajah
kitorg pg 2 kereta..tapi xkonvoi yg ikut 11 org
ak naik dgan yun skali dgan wan, petra, mira *kiranya housemate la gitu..diskriminasi kan? haha
kreta lagi satu maizat yg bawak ada dayu, che', zaza, misao and fizah 
kitorg smpai lambat skit smpai2 je kat situ tgok2 kna duduk 2 meja asing
whattTTT???? xfeel langsung. xmo dh g pizza! jom g kepsi plak lpas ni.
berbalik kpada cerita maka kitorg dgan berat atinya dudukla kat meja lain
sobssobss..sblah je pun tapi ada partition yg memisahkan kitorg.sedih.
dhla kitorg dok satu housemate. diskriminasi lagi? muahahaha..
tgah dok tggu pizza smua diorg smpai dulu yela dh order awal skit drpd kitorg ni
then tiba2.."happy birthday to you bla33.....maizat"
nasib baikla arini ari jumaat maka yg ada dlm tu smua pompuan so xla segan sgat kan..
smpai bising ar pizza hut tu kami kerjakan.hehe..*suara yun kuat skali hehe
yg best tu makcik yg dok kat blakang meja diorg ni pun ikut nyanyi skali..
makcik2 u r awesome. tiba2.
then tgkap gmabr skit2..pastu kitorg balik k meja asal.
sumpah xbest. bwekk..
makan pizza smpai 2 pan then mira order meatballs masala kot.
owh.kenyang.tgok2 total 80 hinggit kot. huahua
sorg 16 hinggit. lol. ak xnk mkan smpai esok.
lastly, haapy birthday maizat! semoga panjang umur and murah rezeki! :D
jgan nakal2 boleh plak.haha

akhirnya impian misao dan yun utk makan pizza tercapai juga. ak pun sama. dh lama xmkan pizza.sjak cuti 4 bulan aritu ni 1st time.haha..

balik2 tu ingat nk pg cabut gigi.tapi xjadi. huhu..
deng u gigi. u r torturing me! :(

y u r smiling? deng u gigi. haha emo.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

goodbye dear whitty :'(

time whitty masih baby huhu..

goodbye dear whitty. 
our lovely, cute, playful, nice, sweet kitty

huhu..woke up late this morning and was shocked by the message sent from my brother
"whitty mati kena langgaq kreta" huhuhuhuuu
sedihnyaa...sedih gla! huhu..

then call abah, and yes. memang betul.huhu
sedihnyaaa..abah ckap dia kna langgaq kat lorong kecik sblah umah pakcik mail ti
pakcik maik jumpak pagi tadi..and abah ckap abis berdarah badan dia dhla dia putih melepak. huhu..
and abah pun dh tanam dia kat lorong tu.huhu..
abah jgak ckap smlam abah tgok whitty asyik termenung je
terdetik dlm ati, eh whitty ni nk mati ka..termenung je..huhuu..

then call my mum. mama xp tgok pun sbb takut nangis.huhu..
sedihnya..lpas ni dh xd whitty..huhu..tadi plak mama mesej ckap oli (adik dia) dok keruan cari whitty xjumpa..sbb smlm oli tido dgan whitty dlm rumah huwaaa..
pagi tadi pun mummy dgan oli dok terpa sana sini 
maybe they felt something or maybe diorg jumpk kot huhu..
rasa nk balik je minggu ni.rugi xbalik minggu ni.
i was on planning to go back home to see my cat.tapi xkesampaian.
owh.y u must go so soon.huhu..
it was only a year. repeat. baru setaun. huhu..
tapi xpala..maybe it was the best for him
mungkin sudah tiba ajalnya..huhu..
bersemadilah engkau di atas sana..

i will really999 miss you dear whitty :'(

whitty seorang abg yg penyayang.huhu *seekor

dh xboleh tgok whitty tido nyenyak camni.huhu

goodbye. :'(

Monday, 6 February 2012


it's a lot of books. seriously!!!
tau apa? xtau apa? nk bgtau la ni..hehe
last saturday i went to kl to redeem my 3 years of membership at bookexcess 
the place was so incredibly great! it was packed with books; a lot of them really.serious! and also seriously, ridiculously cheap!
aaa..bahagianya dikelilingi buku..kalaula ada satu part like that bookstore in my house
omg! i will be the most happiest person in the world! hehe
anyway, pg dgan zaza..zaza siap pakai baju kurung lagi..hehe..semangat betul
kitorg duduk kat situ smpai 2 jam kot..letih menengok bukunye hehe
last2 my total was 90 something but since i was the member it was cut to 83 ringgit hehe
happy2..hehe..zaza plak..adoi..lagiii banyak bukunye..tambah plak dgan buku che' kan..
serius byak..nk lekang bahu ni memikulnya..haha
balik tu tumpang umah zaza..bilik zaza..astagaa...lagila byak buku; komik.
serius banyak glaaaa...xterabis ak membacanyaa...aaaa nk baca komik zaza lagi..huhu
nnt2la plak..huhu..
esok tu parents zaza antar ak g naik train from putrajaya sentral nk k kl sentral 
owh..met him at kl sentral and that is another story ;)

these are the books which me and zaza bought. owh che' aslso, walaupun dia xikut..hehe

all of our books :D

these are my books.aaaa..ntah bilala nk membacanya. :)