time whitty masih baby huhu..
goodbye dear whitty.
our lovely, cute, playful, nice, sweet kitty
huhu..woke up late this morning and was shocked by the message sent from my brother
"whitty mati kena langgaq kreta" huhuhuhuuu
sedihnyaa...sedih gla! huhu..
then call abah, and yes. memang betul.huhu
sedihnyaaa..abah ckap dia kna langgaq kat lorong kecik sblah umah pakcik mail ti
pakcik maik jumpak pagi tadi..and abah ckap abis berdarah badan dia dhla dia putih melepak. huhu..
and abah pun dh tanam dia kat lorong tu.huhu..
abah jgak ckap smlam abah tgok whitty asyik termenung je
terdetik dlm ati, eh whitty ni nk mati ka..termenung je..huhuu..
then call my mum. mama xp tgok pun sbb takut nangis.huhu..
sedihnya..lpas ni dh xd whitty..huhu..tadi plak mama mesej ckap oli (adik dia) dok keruan cari whitty xjumpa..sbb smlm oli tido dgan whitty dlm rumah huwaaa..
pagi tadi pun mummy dgan oli dok terpa sana sini
maybe they felt something or maybe diorg jumpk kot huhu..
rasa nk balik je minggu ni.rugi xbalik minggu ni.
i was on planning to go back home to see my cat.tapi xkesampaian.
owh.y u must go so soon.huhu..
it was only a year. repeat. baru setaun. huhu..
tapi xpala..maybe it was the best for him
mungkin sudah tiba ajalnya..huhu..
bersemadilah engkau di atas sana..
i will really999 miss you dear whitty :'(

whitty seorang abg yg penyayang.huhu *seekor

dh xboleh tgok whitty tido nyenyak camni.huhu

goodbye. :'(
thousands of condolences
nanti belilah kucing baru.buat teman
its okay dear...memory will last forever...maybe god want to tell us that death will definitely come...just the matter of time...and also maybe He want us to appreciate more about the people around us and live this life with lot of love...let the past become memory and make the future more memorable...hehehe
p/s: teringat lagi time first jumpak witty...manje je dia duk tido kat kaki am...hehe
huhu trimas..dh xpyah beli yg lain dh..ada lagi 4 ekor kat rumah hehe
am; huhu thanks dear..sedih tu memang tapi xpala..just like u said, maybe it is a reminder that nothing last forever in this world. but the memories with whitty will be forever treasured. huhu..
p/s: haa..tula..utk am jgak, lain kali jgan berkasar dgan kucing.hehe
don't be sad my dear friend..insyaallah tu yg terbaik wat whitty..ajal dya da smpai..kte yg hdup mesti truskn kehidupan..be strong keyh :)
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