Saturday, 31 March 2012

i have no reasons

to not score for this semester
i mean, i got all that i need
all of the books for this semester's subject *thanks to BB1M
my schedule does not have early morning classes so much like the other group
i'm not engaging myself to so many events this semester *like before this i am LOL haha
i got all that i need to score this semester.
except that
the subjects are getting harder 
the lecturer makes it very hard to understand
and also
i got so lazy this semester.
study only when it come to test
it does not work out for me anymore
before this maybe i was able to do it
but now is different 
it is as expected, how can i do last minute study
when in class i'm actually digesting nothing

so now is the time for change.
it is only 29 days from study week.
get your lazy bones out here sista!


never realized this c:

i'm saying this for u.
yes u; Transport Phenomena
the only subject which i scored 0 ever since forever.
luckily, i'm not alone.. 95% of the class is :D

p/s: not seeing my name on the list is such a bummer. gonna work hard so i will be there again.

Monday, 26 March 2012

melawat yan intern ;)

last saturday, me and wan went to KL to visit our dearest friend yan
which is btw, only have less than a month to finish her internship
so now is the perfect timing to visit her since next2 week we will be busy with our ETP and everything else.
so, that day got in a train at 11.20 arrived at 1.30 something take rapid to kelana jaya
waiting for yan and her sister to pick us up
smpai2 je rumah kakak dia, diorg dh masak kot
sedapnye laa..smpai tambah2 ha
then rehat2 lpas tu terus kitorg g OU
gla besaq, xdan nk pusing pun 
brang2 mcm biasa yg ak nk smua out of my capable range
yg boleh beli hanyalah satu t-shirt utk dipakai balik esok
and fipper.
mai kl mesti beli fipper. mcm tang tu ja ada kedai fipper haha
dlm 930 kitorg blah pergi

sini! tau tempat ni apa? hehe
kat mana lagi kalau bukan I-city hehe
ni adalah ferris wheel ataupun dipanggil sbgai ntah circus travel? ntah ak hantam haha
bayarannya hanyalah RM10 
mahal k tidak? ntah. first time rasa dpat naik so murah kot haha
kitorg naik 3 org dia pusing lambat gla
ak dhla cuak. drpd naik2 tu ak duduk je terkaku kat situ
kantoi ak takut tinggi hehe
tepat jam 1115 kitorg berada di puncak! hehe
tapi kejap je lpas tu dia pusing lagi smpai abis
turun2 yeee abis dh 10 hinggit kita. LOL haha
beside this ferris wheel ada byak lagi tempat yg interesting and berbayar
mcm snow world entrance 25 ringgit
reptile world k apa ntah 8 ringgit
then ada satu railway train diorg buat mcm hanging and ad kreta yg kita boleh naik and pusing2 atas railway tu smbil tgok taman yg dihiasi lampu tu
rasa mcm 15 ringgit kalau nk naik
so kitorg pun xnaikla.
xpela simpan jgak nnt naik dgan si dia huahua
orait, so bwah2 ni merupakan gambar2 yg diambil from yan the awesome photographer :D

ni dari kamera ak sbb tu xbrapa nk awesome sgat hehe


lawa kan gambar2 dia? pandainyela yan ni menangkapnya after dat kitorg pg makan kat gasoline
interesting place sbb tempat makan dia yg duduk atas lantai tu and meja lipat la rasanya haha
makan2 terus balik rumah dan tido

2nd day, after breakfast and all, kitorg pg masjid jamek
best gla jalan2 kat situ sbb barang2 dia serius murah!
aaa..rasa nk beli smua benda tapi tahan sendiri hehe..
nntla plak..wan beli byak kat sini
dia siap beli beg burung hantu lagi. serius comel! hehe
then dlm 3 camtu kitorg pg plaza rakyat turun pudu
pg solat then makan kepsi dgan lajunya sbb train kitorg pkul 4.30
nasib baik sempat. hehe..
overall, our short holiday with yan was very awesome and fun!
terima kasih bnyak9999 yan and kakak yan jugak, kak hazy sbb bawak kitorg jalan2 :)
nnt kalau ada rezeki kitorg smpai lagi ye hehe :D

hahahahaha okay bye! :)

Friday, 23 March 2012



owh.lamanya rasa xupdate pape.
even birthday sendiri pun xsempat nk update lagi haha..nnt2 la plak ye pasal tu
so, now nk ckap pasal something that keeps me busy since the past few days
it is actually the day for IRC Carnival Bookfair!!
it is a long wait for this event. it is supposed to be scheduled earlier than this but then it is okay
despite of the leisure time, byak jgak kerja yg xdapat disiapkan
nk buat cane..serius byak gla benda nk pkir smpai xsempat nk buat
manakan dgan smua org nk busy dgan ETP lagi.. lets see, apa yg ada time event ni?
ermm..mcm2 ada..hehe
yg paling paling paling best; of course sbb ada BOOKXCESS!!!!
sgat3 berterima kasih dkat sponsor dept sbb manage to get them here. hehe
selain bookxcess ad gak Lejenpress, Karangkraf, Gempakstarz and Ana muslim
besides that, ada gak kedai baju, tudung, cupcakes, mingo2, brooch erm..mcm2 lagi la
and also, ada booth from pos malaysia
sgat best sbb kita boleh print gambar kita utk dijadikan setem
but since ak baru tau last day tu maka xsempat la kan nk merepek2 bagai hehe
the crowd is awesome. most of the people are happy.
even encik azaman looks happy. maybe. i donno haha..

the sad thing is, i didn't got the chance to go wandering around the booth cause most of the time me and maizat need to be at the chancellor hall to serve the food
erm..bosan. smua sbb xckup manpower and most of them got classes.
nasiblaa..ksian kat ak ngan maizat
first day memang xsempat lgsung 2nd day kitorg tutup kedai awal
terus pg poket d merendek2 hehe..
overall, i'm very glad cause all of this are over.
although there are many flaws here and there, at least we had tried our best.
to the F&B committees and dear sv, thanks a lot! u guys had helped me a lot!
especially to maizat! sayang maizat!!! hehe :D

kitorg sbnarnya satu kelas. hehe :D

 me and maizat; last day baru dpat berjalan2 :)

the only book that i bought. excitednya nk baca..belek punya belek memang ada lagu yg si oompa-loompa tu nyanyi mcm dlm movie hehe..
at first nk beli something borrowed. first day ada lagi. 2nd day lesap langsung. huhu..

conclusion, hope that the next IRCC will invite bookxcess again. please! jauhla nk g kl. hehe

p/s: thanks to beloved PM a.k.a Che'ju and APM, faiqah. there are times when i feel so touched with u guys. hehe..not touching, tacing tu it is terharu. hehe. :)

Monday, 12 March 2012


CPDC test macam.macam. macam2. 
ntah apala yg ak jawab ak pon xtahu. hahahaha
serius soalan mcm yes. i loike. haha
susah gla. blur smpai xreti nk tulis apa.
padahal sebenarnya soalan dia senang je.
tapi dh dok baca yg susah benda senang pun xreti nk jawab.
ha engkau. padan muka.
nk buat energy balance pon tergagap2.
nk start with what equation pun gayat. haha.
overall, yes. i cannot count on this test. dia ckap total ada 4 choose best 3.
definitely, this is not one of my choice. hehe.

p/s: jumaat ni ada test RE. hehe 20% plak tu. the one and only plak tu. serius kena study. :D

Sunday, 11 March 2012

end of a short mid-term break!

dhla cuti secoet ja.
then. balik awai plak tu. 
aritu smpai ari rabu tuptup sabtu dh smpai utp balik.
huhu. semua gara2 ada test ari isnin tu.
tau test apa? it is CPDC test 2
dhla 1st test dpt cukup2 mkan je.
kononnya cuak sbb tu balik awal nk study.
kisah balik utp sgat tragis.
xla tragis mana sgat pun smpaila saat ak kna jalan kaki from depan smpai bilik
adoii..dhla smpai pkul 3..beg ada 3 ja. satu galas, satu sendeng satu lagi tampan dgan tangan sbb beg kertas tu mcm nk terburai ja. haha
yg turun bas tu 2 org ja. ak ngan sorg budak laki foundation.
jalan sembang2 smpai masjid lama then adik tu lalu kot masjid sbb bilik dia v2 atas bukit ja
maka tinggallah ak keseorangan dihujani panas terik yang amat.
jalan punya jalan. tup. tau apa?
beg baju yg dok sendeng tu terputuih plak. huhu.
tragisnya..maka. tangan perlu menampung kedua2 beg yg sgat vulnerable
dan beg galas yg ckup ut buat bahu ak terlucut.
tambah tragis adalah apabila
every car that passes through me didn't offer to help me. at all.
semua mcm xnampak and terus berlalu pergi.
and yes. a lot of them naik kreta sorg2 je pun.
aishh.berasap jugak den. tapi. xpala. hak masing2. xkan nk paksa plak.
but then, apa salahnya kan kalau menolong org yg dlm kesusahan. 
ak jalan kaki smpai bilik adala memakan masa selama 25 minit. huhu
naik2 kaki dh ketaq bahu dh lenguh
maka. ak terus naik. nasi pun dh xlarat nk pg bungkus.
naik atas baju basah lencun. seriously rasa mcm baru joging tasik 3-4 round.
muka pun terasa panas je. tiba2 rasa dh hitam. huhu..sedihnyaaa nasib nasib...

petang tu wan balik and even her, a sudan man offer to tumpang her to the village.
walaupun wan ckap kreta tu hanyalah kreta yg buruk. still, he still has some humanity in him.
bila wan ckap thanks dia ckap; no worries, we're brothers. 
isk. ak yg touching. 

maka conclusionnya, do good for others. it will bring no harm to you. and also x merugikan jgak.
and. nnt kalau ak ad kereta ak akan tumpangkan sapa2 yg kena jalan kaki drpd depan tu. serius. 

tapi ntahla bila. bila nk dtg grad nnt kot. hehe. :D

Sunday, 4 March 2012

ak mau pulang!!!

ni time tgah kekeringan idea nk buat progress report hehe

tgok title pun tahu kan?
ak nk balik rumah!! seriously. has been a long time since i last balik rumah 
since bukak sem lagi ak blom pulang
now dh mid sem kot
i really miss my home sweet home
ada je can nk balik rumah tapi xleh nk balik huhu
bukan byak kerja sgat pun tp xtaula pasaipa xbalik 
i guess the reason i really miss going back home is the fact that byak benda yg jadi since the last time i was there

first; my cat died. huhu..and i'm not there huhu

2nd; my mum undergo an operation and i'm not there also. think it is my 2nd time..previously pun i was not there when i was in form 4 huhu

3rd; my dad's birthday. and when i think about it i was never actually there during my dad's birthday and my mum too..huhu..

think that are the reasons why i missed going back soo much.
although this mid-sem is only like 4-days holiday
i will still be really grateful even if it is only for weekend.

3 days more..let the time flies faster please..
nasib baik rumah dekat.huhu

Saturday, 3 March 2012

my dad, my hero ;)

today 3/3/2012
marks the date of the 52th birthday of a great, nice, handsome man
which is my dad hee ;)
it has been 52th year, half of century that is.
and u r still here by my side
encouraging me in all way a dad will do for his children
i remembered how i need to sleep with my dad kain pelikat when he is not at house
i really miss the moment of me being his little girl
cause actually i didn't remembered much
and what's with being older and we didn't spend much time at our home anymore
even i was away from home since form 4 and it is counting
however, i do know one thing that is
u will always be the no 1 man in my heart
though i may have a husband one day
u will always be the man that i will remember the most
and for this day, ur birthday
i will always pray for ur health and everything. 
cause i love u dear daddy ;)

gambar time mrsm. haha..form 4 rasanya.

Friday, 2 March 2012


i'm too tired to do anything today.
asyik batok je memanjang huhu..
bosan. wan xd balik kampong. huhu.
kat sini plak ujan..sejuk je rasa..asyik nk tido je rasa..hehe
anyway, arini nk ckap pasal cubeecraft
korg tahu x cubeecraft tu apa? hee

Cubeecraft (pronounced “kyoob-ee”) papercraft toys feature interlocking tabs for construction – eliminating the need for tape, glue or other messy adhesives.

copy-paste definition

best tau buat benda ni..
dia akan latih kita menjadi seorang yg sgat kemas, teliti dan juga berhati-hati
tapi sgat time consuming hehe
dulu ak slalu buat smbil tgok movie
tapi most of the time mata xtgok movie pun seronok nk buat bendalah ni
hehe..byak dh yg ak buat
rasa adala 6 kot
tapi since aritu cuti midsem so dh buang skit2
tggal 3 of my favorite je hehe
lets cekidautt~

ha ni domo-kun. paper dia paling mahal and yes he is standing strong yg lain asyik trjatuh je haha

owh my faveret. kalau korg xknal memg nk kna hehe.. this is my boyfie chuck bartowski. *telinga dia lupa nk tarik kluar hehe

i donno this one is giggle or whatsoever. ala yg karton apa ntah tu happy family? ntah ak hantam haha..comel kan gigi arnab. yg the one in yellow tu ak dh buang paper dia lembik sgat. bumblebee tu bagi kat dia hee..

act buat benda ni best tau..kita akan rasa kepuasannya bila dh jadi elok
xsusah then print. tapi better set high quality before print kalau x kaler dia xbrapa nk solid.
and also guna paper yg tebal juga.
ni satu cubeecraft yg comel 
tryla. mesti nk buat lagi. hehe..
yg tu je kot. nk layan citer tamil. bye! 

p/s: arini jumpak lect thermo kat block 4. o my gass..sir, u r very handsome! hehe :D

u are not alone

tadi tgah nk try study transport phenomena (TP)
first round; kejap je tahan. adala belek page 3,4 lai
tidoooo zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2nd round plak
adala 2-3 helai. haha lol.
teruknya la ak ni pun. 
tapi nk buat mcm mana.
xpaham langsung.
sedihnye huhu
then. tiba2 teringat ckap lecterur
terus xjadi nk sedih
tau dia ckap apa?
dia cakap...


You are not alone.

hehe..bukanla dia ckap kat ak sj kan
dia ckap kat kelas aritu tapi aritu dia ckap benda related to some software yg dia ckap susah nk paham k apa ntah haha
but i assume he was saying about this subject after all.
and guess what. i am not alone.
ramai je yg blur and xpaham mcm ak. hehe
happy. should i?
final nnt jawab sensorg jgak.
so. back to studying then. 

p/s: seriously sakit tekak. seksanya batok camni..huhu

Thursday, 1 March 2012

hello march :)

lupa lak arini 1st march. hehe..
hello march and bye2 february.
any good memories in february?
erm...not sure yet everyday is meaningful.
as long as u keep breathing
say Alhamdulillah :)
semoga amalan kita akan makin bertambah dari hari ke hari 

owh that graduation hat in the pict
not for me obviously.
mine will be on next2 year; October. Insyaallah ;)

awkward moment #1

the awkward moment when in the middle of the lecture
the lecturer was in front teaching something on the board
ur classmates all were in silent *maybe trying to understand what is being taught
and then you; out of sudden, innocently berdehem very hard to fix ur sore throat and all the mucus stuck in ur respiratory tract *i really thought it is a normal thing to do
and then the whole of the class was like berdehem too and gelak2
and suddenly the lecturer "why? what happenend? " 
deng. haha xpasal je..malu den. tutup muka dgan buku.bye!

p/s: seriously sakit tekak. pgla jauh2 skit. nk ckap pun pelik. nk telan air liur pun sakit. nk gelak telahla pelik.