Saturday, 21 April 2012


ha engkau.
cam nk emo je skrang. haha
actually minggu depan memg hectic gla!
tapi skrang ak xsibuk2 lagi. LOL ME.haha
minggu depan u know what did i have to go through?
wait nk list.

and u know what did he want all of us bring to him (ish ayat pun mcm dh pelik.xpela haha)
a) 3 sets of final exam questions and answered!
b) all the general problems he solved in class (owh.ak memang full-attending class punya students)
c) comsol lab punya jawapan (those yg i don't even know what did i do in class)
d) test 1 and test 2 solutions! (in which almost 95% got 0 for test 1!)
e) and also all of the task! 

this is on MONDAY. now let's see what did i have for TUESDAY.

-nmpak macam hal kecik. tapitapi i got


owh demn. and also u know what this test will be recovering?
literally from chapter 1 up until now! i think it is chapter 11. MAYBE.
yeah. whataweek.

and it doesn't end here.


chapter 9 and 10
thursday and friday is acceptable

but that 2 days. MONDAY, TUESDAY.
i iz dilemma in which one to be screwed.
TP or RE? 
both for coursework. 
nk study.
maybe layan hindustan dulu satu cerita.

the best thing about next week is
i'll be going home after the CPDC test. 
please. really need to go home.

p/s: 16 days to FINAL!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Ulu Kenas, Kuala Kangsar

sabtu g cameron, ahad lak pg ulu kenas
kali ni Family Outing PSSCHUTP plak yeay! hehe
maklumla..ada sesetengah drpd kitorg yg dh jarang pg kelas silat *u-know-who haha aku la tu
so kira mcm ni nk rapatkan balik la bond sesama kitorg
our destination is Ulu Kenas, kuala kangsar wohoo nk pg mandi air terjun tau hehe
pagi tu kena bangun awal gak..adoi..dhla smlm dh bgun awal
tapi sedikit malang apabila ak sakit perut pagi tu huhu sedih
dlm pkul brapa ntah 8 something kot bertolak
total ada 3 kreta yg pg
konvo ramai2 hehe..ak naik dgan ammar, irfan, afiq, eiju..kitorg yg lead
sbb afiq pegang peta hehe
jalan yg kitorg ikut tu jln lama kot..ntah
xpun jalan kampong..lengang, bengkang-bengkok smua ada 
tapi kejap je dh smpai
thanks kepada co-pilot yg baca peta, irfan kitrog pun smpai hehe
nah tgok gambar2 nya xtahu dh nk tulis apa hehe

kitorg ada akim yg terer nyalakan api..sepu jgak hehe

peace..hehe..ayam tu sedappp..tgokla sapa yg perap hehe :D
hahahahaha LOL of the day..alolo sian diaa hehe..dok sembang elok2 tiba2 ada si binatang tu di situ hahaha

aaaa sedap kan?? hehe..ak yg dok membakar ni ya..dok menahan je la yg mampu huhu

then tiba2 hujan plak..hehe..maka diorg pun payungkan kitorg dgan tikar tu..punyala nk selamatkan ayam kan hehe

tiba2 api marak dgan kuat skali..haish cuak ak. tp kejap je ni pun dh nk abis..dh abis2 tu panas tangan ak ni ha..haishh gigih lak ak rasa haha
lpas ni terus kitorg makan
nisah masak nasi goreng tomyam..sedap glaaa
serius xtipu..ak siap tambah lagi kot hehe
rasa mcm semua org je tambah :D
lpas tu smua org tggal nk pg mandi yeay hehe

peace!! akhirnya gegurl semua bleh mandi hehe

all of the boys and eiju jgak :D
diorg ni siap main tuju kasut/batu, wrestling and segala mcm la
ak plak dok ber-rilek kat atas batang kayu yg panjang tu
then tiba2 lak semua org dok attack ak dgan air plak
semua gara2 ak xnk turun mandi haha..sejuk gla kot..xnkla ak
tambah plak..mak ak pesan jgan mandi air terjun
so ak slalu bayang pelik2 kalau ak mandi kang air deqas sgatla smuala ada
haha maka sambung cerita ak punyala peluk kayu tu then dh give up turun jgak last2 haha
tapi kejap je lpas tu naik balik haha
mangsa lain yg kna attack; afiq, don. don paling lawak kna haha
sepu lawak gak. kna tolak from behind oleh ammar xpasal je kna stunt kat situ haha
setelah habis puas bermandi-manda maka kitorg pun bersiap2 utk bertolak pulang
tambah plak nk hujan dh time tu
time bawak kreta smua org tido kecuali irfan ngan ammar. ak pun xtido okay
err pastu mana yg semua org tidonye haha
ammar yg bawak kreta asyik nk terlelap je last2 dia bukak tingkap
haa puas..laju je time balik
smpai2 collapse lagi smpai k petg haha
overall memang best. thanks korg :)
minggu yg sgat terisi. semoga jgan terlalu leka ye.
final exam adala lagi 19 hari kot. 
and byak lagi xcover. sekian! 

picture sblom balik :D

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

cameron-rsk :)

hye! :)
hujung minggu hari tu 14/4/2012
ak ngan wan diberi kesempatan utk mengikuti trip m2s-rsk k cameron highland 
hoho..serius rindu gla kat diorg. tambah pakcik ramadan. tapi dia xikut huhu..
aritu bgun dlm pkul 6..sbb katanya nk bertolak pkul 630 rupa2nya pkul 7
then anjak lagi last skali pkul brapa ntah xingat..hehe
kitorg naik bas sekolah yg kaler kuning nk oren tu..lawak pun ada hehe..
naik2 je bas kitorg tido kot smpaila dkat petronas simpang pulai
jmpak dgan rombongan rsk..yg ikut adala 10 org tambah dgan kak mas and driver 
then diorg naik bas 10 budak laki naik van 
smpai2 trus pg cameron wohooo
jalan memang berliku2 bukit2 jgak
1st destination ialah rose farm
setiap 4 org kna jaga 1 makcik
ak ngan wan shahsha fazua jaga makcik ros
rata2 makcik and pakcik smua xpernah smpai cameron lagi
so bila smpai tu smua tersenyum gembira
pakai tangan pendek pun xsejuk hehe
masuk2 rose farm
perghhh lawanya bungaaa 
eksaited gla tgok :D
tgokla ye ~

ni nama dia awang, dh 56 tahun dh..tapi nmpak muda kan? hehe

*abaikan gambaq ak ngan wan kitrog bercamwhore x sedar diri 2 org haha

ha yg tudung oren tu makcik ros, yg indian tu xingat lak nama dia hehe

after dat, kitorg pg butterfly farm
byak gla butterfly
seram pun ada haha
wan rilek je pegang rama2
ak cannot seram lak tgok dekat2 haha

besides butterfly, diorg ada gak haiwan2 lain
contoh, kumbang, katak, ular, rabbit and something yg sgat interesting
satu insect tu nama dia serangga daun
seriously kalau tgok skali lalu akan nmpak daun biasa ja serius.
satu lagi serangga ranting kot
ni pun sama bila dok kat pokok tu nmpak mcm batang buruk ja
aishh in disguise betul
cuak lak ak. haha

our team haha

alvin, the chipmunk hehe

tortoise, si tok kura hehe

rabbit! tapi smua dh tido time ni 

haa kat sini ada serangga ranting. kalau jumpak anda memg terer. hehe

lpas ni spatutnya nk pg ladang teh then ladang strawberi but then hujan lebat sgat
maka kitorg pun terus je pg mkan, solat then pg pasar malam at tanah rata brinchang
setiap team pegang duit makcik tu 13 ringgit
makcik yg kitorg jaga tu kejap je duit dia habis
siap xcukup lagi hehe
dia beli kacang2, t-shirt xsilap
then rupa2nya smua makcik and pakcik dpat 1 t-shirt
makcik ros tu happy gla kot sbb dia dpat 2 lai t-shirt hehe
ak plak beli cendawan goreng tepung 5 hinggit..perghh sedap gla kot bila gigit tu bleh rasa kot mushroom tu segar hehe..and so ak pon beli 3 paket mushroom bawak balik hehe
and strawberry jgak ngee
overall memang best! tapi kalau pg rsk lagi best blh jmpak ramai lg pakcik makcik hehe
to the hicoml thanks a bunch and good job! :)
and makcik pakcik, stay healthy please! may we meet again someday! :D

owh cameron, till we meet again. maybe with other company? hee :)

total masuk RM 9, rose farm 4 ringgit butterfly 5 ringgit. k terbalik ntah. xingat hehe

Saturday, 14 April 2012

picture day~ :)

it is our picture day~ hahahaha
excited gla. yela..last tangkap gambar kelas time form 5 kot.
LOL xbunyi? hahaha
tp xkisahla kan..asalkan adaa
walaupun bukan tiap2 sem mcm yg ak tgok kawan2 ak d u lain
asalkan ada..cukuplah..walaupun dh 3rd year..pon bolehlaa
so pagi tadi awal plak ak bangun
utk yg ni blehla plak ye..nk g kelas pg liat nk mampoih haha
smpai2 je adla brapa org yg dh dtg
tap photographer xdtg2 lagi
maka kitorg pon bertangkap2 gambar dulu guna kamera sdri hehe
nah tgok je la~ 
brapa kerat je pun yg ada huhu

chemy gurls~ :)

owh, of course, GPL-ian haha

seriously ak nampak gelap gla dlm ni. musykil huhu

us and the prop. aa comelnye masing2 haha

gambar ni ak nmpak cerah so ak suka hehe

gambar yg guna kamera mahal xde..diorg xbg softcopy
kalau nk kna order kat diorg..adala diorg buat mcm combo apa ntah
beli yg 6r punya dpat 1 gambar formal, brapa ntah gambar candid xingat lak haha tapi yg pasti total 25 hinggit
i think it's worth it. for memories :)
so our picture day was very fun!
walaupun xramai yg ada huhu xpa nntla kita tgkap gambar yg semua org ada plak okay! 

Sunday, 8 April 2012

[GPL] Our Friday Nite ;)

hye! :)
harini nk citer pasal GPL dan hari jumaat aritu
FYI, kitorg ad test 3 CPDC earlier that morning.
the questions were very easy but then for me i think it is a little bit tricky.
not little. banyak kot. then, ada soalan yg jawapan dia kna karang skit tu
padan mukala kan. sapa suruh xhafal. haha
abis2 je test ad tutorial sbnarnya tapi kitorg (naik kreta maizat) semua xpg
bleh plak pg mkan kat pak ali then balik tido. hehe
owh. tido kenala ckup sbb
petang japg kitorg nl berjimba2 kot hehe
so aroung that 6 kitorg pun turun dh bersiap2 semua, camwhore skit kat bawah tu
maklumla, petra ada kamera baru yg cantik dan lawa hehe (bukan kamera tapi gambar taken with that camera hehe, kamera itu hensem! hehe)
sebelum tu tau x kitorg pg mana?
kitorg pg...jeng3..

nampak x? kitrog pg shabushabu la hehe
gigih je ak makan skit je tgahari tadi kononnya nnt g shabushabu nk telan byak2 la kan hehe
sambil tggu2 diorg yg lain siap kitorg pun bercamwhore dgan kamera petra hehe

after smua org dh ada maka bermulalah konvoi kitorg pg sana
ad 3 kreta; maizat, dayu, mimi
maizat lead, dayu tgah, mimi belakang 

around pkul 745 kitorg pun smpai ke destinasi yg dituju
tu pun setelah sedikit sesat hehe
smpai2 nasib baik meja dh reserved
the funny thing is he spelled my name as AEITI
what? nasib baik no. phone betul hehe
then pg smyag kejap lpas tu mulalah projek menelan smpai nk termuntah kitorg 

time dok syok2 nk mkan tu tiba2 alahai
ada kek la plak
tacing la korg ni. is actually for me and misao's birthday
then diorg ni menyanyi2 plak
slamber badak je menyanyi kat tgah org ramai mcm tu hehe
sempoi la korg..thanks girlfriendssss :)

we are march babies :D

sedap gila kek ni. serius xtipu! full with chocolate!

the rest tgokla gambar2 ni
kitorg makan then asyik refill3 
smpaila masing2 dh kekenyangan dan tersandar di kerusi hehe

all of us! ana and fizah je xd huhu

then tau kitorg pg mana?
kitorg pg karok tau. hehe
ambik bilik yg besar tu haaa..2 jam lagi
nyanyila smpai puasss hehe
semua org mcm dh lupa diri menyanyi xyah guna mic dh
spa yg guna mic tu yg xdgar. hehe
abis2 je smua pakat sakit tekak.
paling dasyat zaza
smpai xleh kluar suara ha..hehe
last song kitorg wrap up dgan lagu seasons in the sun by westlife.
best je rasa.
tapi lagu yg paling best. i don't wanna miss a thing by aerosmith
gla ar. nyanyi smpai the highest note la kiranya. haha
and time wakawaka..enjoy je smua.
last2 skali dlm 1.30 maka berakhirlah 2 jam kitorg tadi tu

then of course group photo. hehe

pehal la gambar ak ngan zaza ni luas sgat nganganya hehe

around pkul 3 kitorg pun smpai.
overall memang best!
thanks gurlssss! 
happy and touching at the same time.
love u all girlfriends! :D 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

last and only presentation :)

the presentation was over. OVER :D
although the judges asked so many questions that were very hard to answer
nevertheless, we were just like. 
just answer it. don't mind if it is right or not. first there was only one judge but then
yup. my fluid mechanics Dr Suriati is the second judge.
haha..sedikit cuak di situ.
at the end of the day, luckily for me they only asked about the liquid
which i know how to answer. 
overall, luckily the prototype works
it just that they did asked us about the solar thingy things to us. hehe
which by the way ashy baru je dok wondering kalau diorg tya ni nk jawab apa hehe
overall. allrite! akhirnya it's all over.
all of that late night sleep. endless chat in gmail.
and also all of the laughter that we shared. especially me and nia hehe
lega gila rasa. mcm satu burden dh berjaya dikurangkan. hehe
mcmla byak sgat kan kerjanya. hehe
so, sapa2 yg dpat masuk SEDEX tu good luck la ye. 
to my ETP-mates, yup. u guys are very awesome!
thanks for all the hardwork and teamwork :)
and also to our supervisor AP Dr Shuhaimi bin Mahadzir, thanks a bunch!
thanks u all 
u guys rock:D
jawer, vix, nia, me, ashy, madtau.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


yup tomorrow is the end of Engineering Team Project subject
it will be our last and it can also be considered as our final exam for ETP
but it will be in the presentation form. 
how scary is that??
45 minutes of presentation.
10 minutes for Q&A 
OMG. it will be like 1 hour for me. huhu
wish all the best for us.
nk update lg dh xmampu.
baru balik praktis presentation 
and it was berterabur. haha
tomorrow meet one more time before final presentation.
pray for the best.

lamanya la rasa x buat presentation.
kaku dh lidah nk bercakap. huhu

it will be the end. unless we are selected for SIDEX. :)

p/s: tadi time smpai v5, selisih dgan karam singh walia. tapi bila dh lepas baru perasan. aa should have asked for his autograph. i'm ur biggest fan :D