Monday, 8 October 2012

intern #3

arini kerja malas gla rasa.
kak aini x datang dia ambik mc
serius sunyi gla ofis dia xdak. huhu..
dhla ramai yg pergi team-building la, field trip la geng2 utm plak xdtg langsung
maklumla nk convo dh kan hihi..bestnyeee
so arini, abiskan report yg terbengkalai
xleh dh ak mengadap process ni cannot already
maybe sbb kena digest in such a short time and kna paham kan cepat2 utk buat report
maka susah la. bagi aku.
memang internship ada kurang7 bulan lagi
tapi kitorg kena hantar project title by week 3
and to present something which i donno by heart
erm..susah tu xleh nk goreng.
mau plak klau dpt sv mcm M RAMASAMY ataupun Lau Kok Keong
uuuu, i'm taking a safe way
after lunch break, i asked this senior engineer; Mdm Lakshmi regarding her projects
and yes, she got some project for me
hee lega..maka ak pon nk move on from process to safety
tapi bukannya bermaksud ak xnk buat dh process
i will, but safety will be the one i will be presenting hehe
now i need to finish a report to be endorsed by a process engineer before going to encik Zul
and then i will move on to safety hihi

esok ada voleyball
huhu..gigihnya diorg ni nk practice tiap2 minggu
esok bleh la join tapi sekadar menyokong haha

okay la gudnite! mengantok.

ahad aritu kluar dgan opie dgan azzam
hee..gembira. sbb lama xjumpa
okayla chow! 

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