Tuesday, 20 November 2012


sakit itu dugaan daripada Allah
maka kita harus bersyukur dan terima dgan hati yg terbuka
sbb tu maksudnya Allah masih sayangkan kita 

awal pagi ahad perut terasa memulas2 menganggu tidurku yg lena dan asyik dibuai mimpi ahaks
si perut meminta ak mengeluarkan apa sahaja yg menganggu di dalamnya
bukan setakat si perut, si mulut pun meminta perkara yg sama
and after that one time-big puke that's it. cannot go anymore. got nothing left in my stomach huhu
balik bilik mula2 bukak kipas 1 then pakai sweater siap stokin and selimut lagi still cannot go
sejuk gla rasa. maka ak pon tutup kipas bertemankan body temperature yg dh nk reach 100 celcius*over haha
bangun semula around tgahari slow2 pg mandi then makan roti sekeping and telan pil chi kit teck aun kesayanganku haha
landing lagi, zohor kejap then asar
wan buatkan moi awwww2 so sweet hihi
adala ak makan dua tiga sudu dh cannot go sakit perut
then wan and misao tlg belikan 100 plus bersama chi kit teck aun dan panadol sepapan
then siap2 utk tido semula
bgun pagi still not feeling well maka ak xpg kerja lagi. again. haha
maka habislah plan ak nk balik krismas ni sobss sadd..
skrang dh rasa sedikit okay
tomorrow i want to go to work.
got no choice. sobs. sedihnyeee

above all things. 
i'm glad to have them around me. 
thanks dear housemate and each and every persons for their hopes and wishes. :)

not in this condition anymore. :D

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

that's me!

yup.that's me.
how can i achieve my ambition when all the motivation i have is err zero. xde.

seriously. how does people keep themselves motivated?
i heard reading books help a lot. Inspiring book that is. mine was more to love-romance-sad story books.
guess that is why i don't feel motivated to do anything. 
some say you will feel motivated if you like what you are doing
maybe i'm not lovin it. dh boleh jadi iklan mcd ni hehe
or.or.maybe it was just too much excuses.
yup! that must be it.
how much motivation that i need when all that is significant for me is only one main reason?
i guess i need to hold on to that one dearly. or i will be de-motivated all the time. 

Wrapping up 3rd year

i know it has been a month and a few days since the result for 3rd year 2nd semester was posted
but i only managed to see it today.
and it was. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hahaha..let's just wrapped this 3rd year period
it has been officially my worst year ever. (not included foundation haha)
i got the grade which i have never obtained before
and i got gpa which i had never went before
but then, all of these links to the individual at last which is me
i think i'm getting lazy nowadays *don't have to think it is true haha
and yes, i deserved those grades and i accept it with open heart hihi
reasons for being lazy? i seriously don't know
maybe because i'm not certain about this course.
boleh pulak mcm tu.
haha..xla..biasala ni
wandering around to find some common ground to stand
that's me. haha
so goodbye dear 3rd year, and hello final year *next year 

*arini adalah hari yg sgat melucukan.
thanks kepada ana dan jgak atul i'm developing six pack right now gara2 gelak smpai keras perut haha
*arini ada encik yg sgat baik hati telah menumpangkan kami pulang hihi. thanks hibban!
*arini jgak I jadi blushing sendirian baca blog sv utp i yg dtg mlawat aritu. aish. Thank you sir. You really had made my day :)

Today i've experienced happy-sad-glad-happy-sad :(
Don't know what tomorrow might come.

Here a little something that will light your heart;

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

One day off :)


(via: fashionsociety)
yup! that's me
I'm tired.
So very tired.
Dengan sakit urat, sakit kaki, demam
That's why I've decided to call it a one day off.
Arini dh exercise byak dok basuh baju yg bertimbun2 tu
tapi hujan. huhu..
Dear hosmate, cepat2la balik.
Bosannya dok rumah huhu..
esok definitely i will go to work.
walaupun x suka pg kerja tapi kat rumah bosanla dok sorg2
kalau ad org lain okay jgak.hee
but it is nice to have a one day off.
seriously. rasa tenang. hehe
quote for today and tomorrow and tomorrow to come :)