Long time no type.
Biasala org yg xpandai mengurus masa memang mcm ni
Kalut sentiasa kerja bertimbun2
Remember peeps, procrastination is the thief of time! hikhok
So really, we are really approaching to the end
I got my FYP viva this Wednesday
and FYDP viva on Friday
these will be my last presentation throughout my years of study here
On the other topic,
The draft for final exam has already come out.
So my major will finish the last paper :O on the 5th of January
It is very early for me considering the exam period is from 1-12 January. :(
Both of my papers will be on the weekend, EIS first then PO.
Hoping for the best! Seriously!
So, road to graduation is still very far
But, the unofficial one is nearer;
19 days left