Saturday, 12 July 2014

Where are we?

Came across this in Facebook and thought to share it cause the story is so inspiring :)

Terdapat kisah seorang datuk dan seorang cucunya tinggal di sebuah kampung. Datuk ini merupakan seorang yang taat perintah Allah dan tidak pernah meninggalkan bacaan Al-Quran walaupun sehari.
Melihatkan hal ini, cucunya pun menyatakan hasratnya untuk membaca al-Quran tetapi dia berasa tidak mampu sebab dia tidak memahaminya.
Datuknya mengajaknya keluar dan mengambil sebuah raga yang berlubang. Disuruhnya cucunya mengambil raga itu untuk dibawa ke sungai dan dimintanya membawa raga itu kembali penuh berisi air.
Penuh kehairanan, tetapi diikutinya cakap datuknya, cucunya pergi ke sungai, mengisikan air dalam raga dan berlari secepatnya kepada datuknya dengan harapan air masih ada dalam raga itu. Walaubagaimanapun, semakin dia mencuba dia tetap tidak berjaya membawa raga penuh berisi air kepada datuknya. Cucu itu pun merasa seolah-olah putus asa sebab sia-sia dia berlari pantas tetapi masih tidak berjaya.
Datuknya pun menyuruh cucunya melihat ke dalam raga dan melihat perubahan raga itu daripada asalnya kotor sudah berubah menjadi bersih. Datuknya pun mengajar cucunya bahawa, begitulah cara al-Quran merubah diri kita, walaupun tidak memahaminya pada awalnya, tetapi lama kelamaan akan meresap ke dalam jiwa dan merubah diri dan jiwa kita secara luaran dan juga dalaman.
Al-Quran adalah kalam Allah yang mampu menusuk jiwa-jiwa yang mencari ketenangan dan hidayah Allah, mampu mendamaikan kerisauan dan kecelaruan jiwa serta mengubah seorang individu agar berusaha menjadi lebih baik dalam setiap urusan kehidupannya.

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermakna,

“Barangsiapa membaca satu huruf Kitab Allah, maka dia mendapat pahala satu kebaikan sedangkan satu kebaikan dibalas sepuluh kali lipat. Aku tidak mengatakan Alif Lam Mim satu huruf, tetapi Alif, satu huruf dan Lam satu huruf serta Mim satu huruf.” (HR Tirmidzi).

Have you ever talk to someone speaking in a different language than yours and you always fail to understand it? That's how I usually feel when I was listening to Quran recital or even when I recite the Quran. Yes it is tafsir and the meaning is clearly given there in Malay. But have you ever felt that you want to read it like the Arabs do? They read it like they are reading a story book. Quickly understand the meaning cause that is their language. I have always felt unsatisfied because I don't know which ayat means this word in the tafsir. But now that I came across this story I am relieved and it kinda boost my spirit to become even better in the future and to try to learn Arabic; the language of Allah. Insyaallah. 

In another story, the article which I shared is actually on the Palestinian children who are trying their best to memorize the Quran because one of the main condition to join bridged Al-Qassam is to be able to memorize the 30 juzuk. Subhanallah. Keciknya rasa diri ini walaupun jika diletak di sebelah kanak2 Palestin. Apatah lagi jika diletak bersama mereka yg lain di sana. Mereka di sana hanya dambakan syahid dan berjuang mempertahankan agama Islam, agama kita di sana. Mereka tidak takut sama sekali dengan senjata2 canggih kepunyaan tentera Israel. Betapa kebergantungan mereka adalah kepada Allah SWT semata-mata. Kita di sini masih leka. Astaghfirullahalazim. Janganlah terus terlena. Berikanlah doa yg tidak putus kepada mereka. Semoga Palestin akan memperoleh kemenangan. Allahuakbar!

Jangan salah sangka bahawa anak2 kecil ini diajar untuk menjadi pengganas dan pembunuh. Sesungguhnya Islam tidak pernah membenarkan umatnya untuk membunuh terutamanya orang tua, wanita, bayi dan org yg tidak bersalah. Peperangan hanyalah untuk mempertahankan diri dan juga untuk mempertahankan agama. Berbeza sekali dgan tentera Israel yg xputus2 mensasarkan tempat tinggal orang awam, masjid dan juga hospital.

Pray for Gaza. My heart bleeds with the casualties in Palestine right now.

Monday, 7 July 2014


So my parents have been very supportive and encouraging towards the idea of me becoming a lecturer in the future. Hurm. I don't know what to comment anymore. I have been repetitively saying no as the answer with thousands of excuses*okay xla thousand hiperbola sikit haha. But they came out with a good point too ;)

My parents solid reasons on me becoming a lecturer:
1) Flexible work for women especially later when you are married. It is kinda true though. If you compare it with the life of an engineer then yes becoming a lecturer is a great choice; working in office hour, no offshore maybe outstation but not that long, no overtime needed*ye ke? haha. Pikir balik xd la byak sgat but maybe i'm missing some points haha.

2) With the current rate of unemployment, we really need to look for other options. I kinda agree with the worries. I mean, graduated from a renown university is never a guarantee that you will get a job right after you graduating. Memang semua tu rezeki kita but nowadays with the fierce competition between graduates locally and those who came back from overseas, hurm some serious thinking really need to be done. Of course, there are a lot of jobs out there that just waited to be filled. But there are also other issues that we need to take into consideration; for example, living in a high living cost area such as KL and yes unfortunately for my course the abundance of vacancy is restricted to these areas only and mostly it is in KL. With just enough salary, how can we think about saving? Or raising a family as a matter of fact. Okay not saying about KL only I think it is applicable anywhere in the country. Sometimes the pay is adjusted in accordance to that respective living cost. So it really makes no difference at all where do you work. However, the salary of a lecturer I would like to say it is quite high especially if you work in a renowned university such as UTP*betul k? haha

3) I don't remember what is the main point but my mum said we cannot be choosy nowadays. hahaha

Well mostly, the reasons stated by mum and dad is focused on the life and a career after you are married. But sometimes, I think my parents is not quite convinced that I can be an engineer in the future. haha can't really blame them, my mum's friend still perceived me as a high school student who doesn't yet take her SPM examination. Well in this case I'm referring to my physical appearance. haha

With that being said about my parent's opinion, I came out with my defense. But not much of an elaboration. It is more to giving a statement. haha

1) I am very not talented in teaching others. I mean seriously. I can't. I don't have that kind of talent. I mean at the moment I think I do not.

2) I spend my 5 years getting a degree in the first place so that I can be an engineer in the future. And although I am planning to pursue my master next I still holding on to my dream to become an engineer first. I want to undergo that kind of experience too you know.

3) One solid reasons for me, which I kept to myself is actually I was never a good student in the past. Sometimes I don't go to class, I sleep in class, I don't pay any attention towards lecture, I play games hurm and all of those things that naughty students did in class. Maybe I have or maybe not offense my lecturer in any way. So if I become a lecturer, my students will do that to me also? Huwaa I don't think I'm ready with that kind of situation in my 24 of age. I mean 24? How is my appearance when I'm 24? If I am still this skinny hurmm mmg xkonfiden lgsgla nk jadi lecturer walaupun nk time tu. Haha

So that being said, actually physical appearance does play an important role when choosing a job. Sometimes it will give you that extra confidence you know? Nevertheless, as long as I'm not yet working I am still open to every options. I mean the reasons that I want to take master at the first place is in fact for a long-term investment for when I no longer want to be an engineer then I have the option to want to revert to other professions having the qualification.

Okay. Sekian rambling for today. Haha

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Its been a while

Lama dh x update blog.
Pemalasnyaa xpaham dengan diri sendiri haha
Sekarang tgah bulan puasa ni xleh malas2 dh
Cepuk kang.
Need to develop a new habit for the upcoming life that require me to be extra rajin kaka

Anyway, Alhamdulillah sekarang dh 4 hari menjalani ibadah puasa 
Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah
Kadang2 terfikir gak, dh 23 tahun hidup di muka bumi ni mungkin baru beberapa tahun hurm mungkin baru 9 tahun betul2 menghargai bulan Ramadhan; bulan yg pernah barakah org ckp
Baru 9 tahun. Hurm lambat sikit nk sedonye haha
Moga akan bertemu lagi Ramadhan berkali2 di masa hadapan

Berbalik kepada cerita kehidupan ak yg boring,
Skrang hurm xbuat apa2. Preparation plak hurm byak lagi sebenarnya xsiap tp xleh nk buat apa
Nk proceed tu mcm ada prerequisite la yg belom setel. So jem. haha
Currently tgah melayan tv3 tapi certain waktu je okes
Pukul 3-4; Angeline
Pukul 7-7.30 kadang2 pkul 8 hihi; Indah halina
Pukul 10-11; Siti Saleha

Sinetron dh xlayan serabut. Masa terlapang in between kadang2 diisi dgan melayari internet ataupun melayan running man. kaka.

Semalam ada terbaca post kakya*kawan utp dulu 
regarding dia xboleh masak time mak dia ada kat dapur.
Hurmmm samala kitaa kakya oii
Memang kalau nk buat apa2 kena buat time mama xdk kat rumah
Kalau time xdk kat dapoq xleh gak sbb rumak xbesar mana so dgarla jgak kalau terbising2 kan haha
Kalau tertangkap hurm mesti ada saja la yg x kena. Smua salah. haha
Maybe my mum is not confident with me. hahahaha
Skrang kalau pg dapur pun kena dok diam2 kalau dok buat kalot mmg knala sedas dua das haha
So skrang pg usha2 ja potong skit2 tu je la kaka
Sebenarnya, kadang2 kids should be given a chance to do things their way
Baru in the future they will feel confident and knows how to do things throughout experience and also experiments.
Amboi kau jah sodap bersyarah ye haha. Anyway ada lagi faktor lain which is malas.
Dh dulu asyik kena marah je kat dapoq so dh lama2 malas la nk ambik tau.
Sekarang ha padan muka kau jah haha
Org tua ni potpet diorg ada sebabnya dulu2 biasala budak2 xpaham apa kena sikit merajok sokmo sekarang dh tau merajok jgak kadang2 tp dh kurangla iyedok? haha
Anyway, cooking is a must for women. Nak x nak kena jgak. Nanti dh kawen kang cane nk ikat hati suami kalau x pandai masak? amboihh hahahaha
Slalu baca kat fesbuk; Xpandai masak xpe, janji rajin memasak.
Kawan ak yg dh kawen pon ckp mcm tu hehe
and yes dia memang rajin memasak. Lama2 nnti pandaila mcm buat experiment jgak. Ada trial and error-nye hahahaha

Okay sekian harap maklum. Xtaula apa motif post ni bercampor sakan.