Friday, 22 August 2014
The 'time' is coming nearer
I don't think I'm ready just yet
Though it's been almost 8 months
I made no prep on facing it mentally
By mentally it means what's in my mind at the moment
I'm sure it kinda rusty in here
Okay. Cuak tetibah.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Salam Aidilfitri
I have promised myself a post and I have been postponing it since forever! haha
Referring to the title surely you must know what would be this post is all about rite?
So, this year raya was very different from any raya before
Well particularly for me since I entered UTP.
This is the first time EVER I don't need to rush and get back to UTP ASAP to face all of the things where students must faced at the end of their semester
And this is also the only raya where I spent all Ramadan kat rumah wehooo for that obviously! hehe
Given the free time I have this raya so of course celebrating it with relatives and friends is not even a question that you need to ask
Sempat segala raya kali ni xpayah nk buat jadual sgat dh because I have all Syawal for all of you!!
Amboih kau jahh hahaha
Moving on to other topic, this year theme for my family is blue
It was decided solely by my mother*kuasa veto haha
This is the second raya for us having theme
Before this tema dia pelangi haha ikut dan nk pakai apa
The reason behind this is because, my mum want all of the boys to have the same set of baju melayu so that later if anyone were to get married then they will just wear their baju raya haha
So now we have 2 choice so far; Red and Blue haha
But since neither of us are getting married in the mean time we might have another choice next year
which by the way haven't been decided yet but i'm thinking of going purple
But my mum says it doesn't matter anyway*what my opinion is since I will not be celebrating raya next year here :'(
Sobs mama ni mcm xmau bagi org balik plak haha
Now lets skip all the talk and look at the pitcha!!
The Wahab's 2014. xpi studio taun ni haha
Later on, rumah Ndak. sayang sekali Paksu and family xdk sobs.
Continue with raya rumah zaidah makan bihun sup. Tiap2 taun p dgan madd lol haha
And that is the wrap up for first day raya. Malam tu cherry berry sekian. Mungkin perut terkejut makan byak haha.
Raya kedua, selepas sumbat2 kambing golek kat rumah bang en then p rumah cik ah balik rumah melayan org jauh ni heee. Terharunya hampa maiiii my 5 Gryffindor mates. -Opie-Fiza-Ayah (Faris)-Afiq- Thank you uolzzzzz olie ni nk jgak photobomb kat situ haha
Raya ketiga. Kat rumah sendiri ada makan sikit2 tapi ak p chow jalan2 dgan depa ni ish2 teruk betoi. Adoi haha tp nk buat mcm mana clashh and kat rumah bukan buat open house sgt pon so mcm expect xramai pon adik bradik yg mai hehe. Nevertheless, had a blast with the gurlsss!
*Rumah sabb p camwhore ja pastu tumpang smyg sbb perut kenyang lol haha
Sebenaqnya lepas tu p rumah shahida tp xdk gambaq dlm ni haha pastu p attack rumah zaidah again haha
Okay dh xingat raya keberapa tp p beraya rumah ezri and Teacher Syikin hehe teacher time sekolah rendah.
Jumpakla dgan geng2 sekolah rendah plak hehe.
Ni pon xingat raya keberapa tpi hari sabtu kami p prabih duit raya hahaha
Sedapppp dan cantek hehe
Meks2 ini datang beraya rumah ittewww pastu esok tu iolz naik bas p kl lolzz
Balik2 kl terus terjah jamuan raya taman hoho. Ada kami dua org ja dok melekat dua org kami haha
anddd esok tu kenduri my cousinnnn weee tahniah mizaaaa semoga berbahagia sampai syurga!
Missed the akad nikah session sbb time tu dok atas bas lagi tgah otw balik wuu
Parents with le bride :D
And me selpie with the beautiful bride! :D
And esoknya beraya rumah meks2 ni open house weee
All in all thank you to those yg dtg beraya rumah kami and those yg jemput p beraya rumah hampa.
Segala kesilapan/kekasaran or kekurangan harap dimaafkan
Marilah kita membuka buku baru yg penuh dgan keinsafan dalam meniti kehidupan kita yg xtau bila hujungnya.
In other notes, please keep praying for our brothers and sisters in Gaza not to forget Syria.
They don't have any raya celebration this year
But they have more than what we got; courage and strong faith.
Send our prayers to them; it is the only thing that we can do.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
I have been intending to post/write something
But I always got no time*actually plenty but wasted on other things haha
Tomorrow will write something. Hope so.
There are a lot of things that I can story-mory hehe
Salam Syawal hari ke 7 :)
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