Tuesday, 12 April 2016

#4; Amsterdam!

I will keep on posting because I know there is at least one person religiously read my mengarut stuff keke.

So the next destination during my Easter break is Amsterdam. For this trip, my travel companion is my parents, Jat and his mummy; Makcik Zam. Since Jat is quite meticulous, the itinery was completed way earlier than expected haha. Thank you jat nasib baik ada org yg teliti nk harap aku hmm ke laut jgakla last minute haha.


We slept at the airport that night sbb ambik tiket murah. So early in the morning lepas subuh tu terus p Eurocar and ambik keta yg sudah di-booked! Volkswagen nyahh. Since it is Europe, the driver seat is on the lest which is quite confusing for me sbb lorong simpang dia semua mcm terbalik dgn kita i dont even know how to describe it haha. Adala jgak a few times my dad salah masuk lorong sbb dh besa bawak belah kanan keke. 

Since it is very2 early in the morning, we decided to go to Museumplein first. Museumplein is a public space which locates three of the famous museum in  Ams. Rijksmuseum, Van Gohg and Stedelijk. Again I am kinda a museum junkie tp sbb p dgn geng yg xbrapa fancy dgn museum kita ikut majoriti la hmm. But nevertheleess the main reason we wanna go here is because of the I amsterdam thingy haha. Since kitorg sampai awal sgt lucky for us org xramai lagi so impian utk bergambar solo tu adala haha. Since this is a very hotsppot for tourist attraction this place will be crowded with tourist 10 am ke atas la  plus minus keke. Blakang tu is actually the Rijksmuseum. Owh kat area ni jugak ada Anne Frank's house. Kena jalan skitla but time kitorg sampai xbukak lg so xpegila. Owh and yes bila mai  Amsterdam teringat cerita The Fault in Our Stars. okay selingan,

Although it rains, it doesn't stop us. Basah lencun woii hahahhahaha

I went to take a decent picture of the museum but then I heard a loud sound of the bell tower I believe and suddenly there were a huge flock? of people came from the direction of the museum with their bicycle which I believe they were heading out to work. Tapi serius ramai gla rasa mcm nk terlanggar ak pon ada haha. Owh and I dont want to fail to mention this; Just note that Amsterdam is the city of bikes. Like seriously semua org naik gerek.

Again I am lucky sbb xdk org lagi time ni hehe

This is actually the site of the city. I think ni rumah org kot maybe

Okay random pict sbb look interesting. There were displaying the menu actually

After frust cari2 kedai halal byk xbukak lagi we decided to go to the apartment first. Lucky us on the way there we spotted shops selling halal products and also restaurant serving halal food. So marked. After arriving and settling at the apartment we decided to head out and off to Zaanse Schans we go! Sbb nk jimat masa keke. The journey to here lamala jugak around berapa jam ntah sbb dia blah atas from the city. But honestly, it was totally worth the drive*cis padahal bukan ak yg drive pon haha.

Zaanse Schans ni mcm perkampungan yg sgt cantekkkkk mendamaikan dansebagainyala haha. The windmills were so well-preserved and rumah org kat situ pon cantek2. I really love the environment there. If given a chance I would really love to stay here. Bela ayam tanam sayoq masak makan jalan2 hmm peaceful okay hehe.

Cantek kannnn hihi

Mana partner I? Hmmmm keke

They also sell cheese there. Harusla promote hasil perkampungan mereka jugak hihi. 

Next, we went to Volendam. Volendam ni  kalau nk samakan dgn tempat kat Malaysia ni dia mcm ala2 Puteri Harbour la or Langkawi hehe. Sbb Volendam mmg tempat utk perlabuhan. 

There is canal everywhere! 

Ha ni la harbour dia. Sebenaqnya ada mcm depa buat boleh naik kapai then pusing2 berapa round ntah tp berbayar la hehe.

Tempat jual souvenir. I suspect yg jual ni from Indonesion. Sbb dulu kan Dutch tawan Indonesia so there is a little bit of influence from both sides. Sbb I noticed restoran Indonesion pon byk kat city.

While in Volendam; eating what the Volendam eat. keke. Since there are close to the sea so of course seeafood. They even used the seasonings and sauces from Indonsiea. Owh and the makcik tu pon from there hehe.

Then we headed back. Penat haha.

The second day, we went out early to go to Keukenhof. Tempat wajib ni uolz. Memang time ni musim dia. They even provide busses from the airport to come here for the tourist. Kalau smlm kitorg headed north this one is more on the south sbb tu xleh buat sekali. The tickets were bought earlier online xingat dh berapa. Time kitrog smpai ni they were tourists from all over the world baru sampai jgak naik bas. But mostly from Indonesia. Keukenhof is actually a VERY LARGE garden. Like seriusly besaq gilaaaa. Dia siap bagi map tau and they even named the section like orange, purple mcm tu.

I dont know why I love these bare trees haha

Kreatif ;3

Actually time kitorg sampai ni tulip x bloom sepenuhnya lagi. But they have this huge place like a dome where they I believe force the tulips to bloom faster hehe. So this place is a closed environment and there were many types of flowers thereeee nak boh semua berat plak jadinya haha

Time dh nak dekat half tempat tu kitorg pusing hujan turun dgn lebatnya so basah lagi haha. Tapi nasib baik dia mcm byk tempat tertutup so bolehla berteduh. Every section displays different theme and showcase different flowers. Got this one place tunjuk orked batik okay cantekkkk.

While in Netherlands; eating what the Dutch eat. keke

See? Tulip kat luar is not yet fully bloomed thats why they have that place. 

Paling lama spent kat sini sbb tempat dia sgtlah besaq dan attractive. After that kitorg balik and went to the city again for sightseeing. 

The infamous Amsterdam canal. Okay I actually dont know what did they call it keke

Konon nk g Red Light District tp mcm x appropiate plak sbb ada org tua keke. We went around the city walking, headed to souvenir shop and it is not weird that you can get weed everywhere. Like seriously everywhere and you dont have to be secretive about it. In this souvenir shop they sell it like we sell those things like sweets etc yg kat meja kaunter tu. It is very common to smoke weed here and they even have names for it Mushroom, Muffin, Cookies apa lagi ntah Im just saying random names that I remembered from my chat with my male-friends keke. Cause I remembered when they asked me nak cookies? NAKKK dgn innocence but it is actually weed. -.- Of course they were joking but if you come to Ams please take note of these things. What may sound innocence turns out to be wrong in so many ways.

After a long walk and I think I have reach the point where I find the night life of Amsterdam really contradicts with mine, it is time to go back home. The night life was loud and the thing with Ams is they are very open about sexual thingy. They have shops that sell adult toys and actually displaying the sign clearly and it is a BIG shop. They even have adult theatre whatever that means with explicit figure and pictures on the front. Really those who love the night in Amsterdam city is either very social or they got lost. But for experience-wise it was okay provided you are not alone wondering in the city at night cause that will be scary. 

Overall, Netherlands; I really love the part of Netherlands which is on the countryside because it was more peaceful and the scenery is just out of this world. The city was great but the night life is not for me. But maybe there was a part of the city which is not anywhere near scary kalau jmpk bgtau okay keke. 

Sekadar hiasan. Restoran ni nama dia nama Berak sekian hahahahahaha

Tips for flying to Amsterdam. If you want to come to Ams during the start of tulip season try to turn on the notifications on Skyscanner for cheap flight. I think due to some agreement made between Dutch and Indonesia; the price for kl-amsterdam was only around MYR 1300+ something. But of course it was not during the peak season of the tulip. Sbb my friend came to Ams with that price and when I went there they were many Indonesians too. So maybe ada something la kan. Just try who knows. The range is between March to May. Maybe. :D

Monday, 4 April 2016

#3; Paris; France!

Following the previous post, on a very strict schedule we took the bus in the evening from Brussels to Paris. The distance from our apartment to the bus station is not that far too. We just walked there; again to reduce cost. haha. After we have arrived, we need to like check-in*like at the airport. They checked our passport and they even put a sticker-label at our luggage! The journey to France is like 4 to 5 hours. Along the journey, we enjoyed the beautiful scenery of kampong-very lapang-like. We arrived around that noon. The bus station is connected with subway metro so it was very easy to navigate from the station to our apartment. The subway line is very confusing. Like the KL-Valley integrated line that we have in Malaysia believe me it is  not confusing at all. What's witth the language and the writing. However, I have received the exact location to whereabout of the  apartment whose name waas  Bruno. Although there have been some confusion with finding the house luckily we managed it well. The apartment was more like a studio apartment. It only has one bedroom-one toilet-one living hall which is connected with the very mini kitchen haha. But it has all the things that are needed for a comfortable house. After settling down like for a few minutes, we went straight out to see le beautiful Paris~

We took the subway because it's easier to move around. The attractions in Paris is really near to each other so there hasn't been a problem at all. So the first destination is of course the gem of Paris; Le Eiffel Tower. I could almost screamed when I saw the tower from afar.

*dalam train haha gigih

The Eiffel Tower stood majestically there. The closer that I got there the more amused I was. It was build of steel*I think soo. Haha not quite sure. You can go all the way to the top of the tower and eat there. They ffer some package I don't know. But we didm't go. It was expensive for me plus we are there to see the tower not the surroundings keke padahal mmg sbb mahal. I dont quite remember but maybe around 20-40 Euro? This is just the range sbb mmg betoi2 xingat. Tapi kalau nak jugak naik rajin2la tgok kat website ada offer. Tak ingat website tu nama apa tp dia mcm Groupon la. So there we were soaking in the beauty of the tower. Yeke beauty? hihi.

 My advice bila nk beli souvenir. Xpayah beli kat kedai depa tu mahai. P ja dok tang tu nnt akan ada pakhitam2 mai dan juai secara berbundle2. Kalau pandai tawaq dapat murah gilaaa. Boleh jadi hampa dpt berlambak kat kedai souvenir tu boleh dpt satu ja. Padahai sama ja made in china jugak. Buat2 juai mahai skit mesti depa gelabah dan bagi murah. haha. Sbb depa ni juai illegally kat situ. Bila polis mai serbu depa pakat lari. Mana yg got lucky tu good la tp yg tertangkap tu mmg kena tangkap la.

My beloved :D

My beloved lagi satu xleh boh tang ni haha. After quite a while, we moved to the next destination. Tak plan pon yg ni tp tiba2 depa mcm rasa nk naik cruise. So kita layanlaaa. Lagipun depa tanggung hihi :P 

Again x ingat harga cruise tapi xmahai sangat rasanya maybe around 10-20 Euro? MAYBE. hehe. This cruise took us all along the river. From there you can actually see everything. Okay xdkla nmpk semua mcm ha nampak dia seketoi mcm tu. Contohnya mcm sebelah kanan ada Eiffel Tower then depan sikit lagi ada Notre Dame tu then Love Bridge bila dia pusing nampak plak Museum De Louvre tu so in all mcm kita dh taula nk p mana pasni.

We stopped for a while to grab lunch. Tu pun jenoh jgak mencari sbb xtau kat mana kedai halal. Last2 jumpak kedai arab ni order spaghetti je makan. Kedai arab kat sini xleh percaya skit kena selidik betul2 haha tp kalau xde pilihan darurat xpala hehe. After lunch we headed out to the next destination which is Notre-Dame Cathedral. Again I'm not googling so I am not sure whether this is the right spelling keke. I am always reminded by Quasimodo whenever I heard the name Notre-Dame keke. Anyway, again it is a church. I guess that is what the tourists were like when they came to our place. In our place they see mosque everywhere just like we see church everywhere at their place hehe. 

But Notre-Dame is beautiful. Unique is more accurate. Then we headed out to love bridge. Is that what they called it? I'm not sure haha maybe lock bridge? Okay abaikan haha.  

Random tree

Here is the famous love lock bridge? I donno haha. Mmg banyak gila padlocks kat situ. Fun fact; bridge ni pernah runtuh dulu due to the heaviness of the padlocks. Dahsyat. Simbolik kat sini pasangan tulih nama masing2 lock kat bridge then buang kunci dalam sungai so that the padlock stays unlocked just like their heart is. Hihi. Haritu dh pg dgn beloved tp xteringat pulak nk buat. Xpa ku ingatmu dalam doaku tu lagi afdal ye dak keke. 

Then we walked from the bridge; across the river to go to the other side of attractions. Walking in Paris is peaceful. First, it was cold so it is comfortable second because the traffic is not that congested. So you can really enjoy the walk. The next attraction is Museum De Louvre. Okay xcek spelling betul ke tak rasanya betul dh ni hahha. We just walk around there well we didn't go there as it turns out I am the only one who have a thing with visiting the museum. They said there is Monalisa portrait in there. 

Lepas ni dah terus nk balik. Mama dgn abah penat berjalan Arc de Triomphe pon xpegi. Tapi nampakla kot jauh ckuplaa hehe. Champ Elyesse pon xpegi hahaha. Xpala nnt kita p balik okay hehe.

Random. The couple were reading books besides the river with the view of Eiffel Tower. Untonglaaaa haha

See. Arc De Triomphe daripada jauh. Taken from Museum De Louvre. Jadilaaa. Pastu cari station then headed home. Before balik we did a little shopping for dinner at a Muslim shop. Lega weyy. Nasib baik jmpak. And it was quite near with our apartment too so it is an A plus! hihi. 

Mama suruh tgkap sbb teruja tgok semua  fresh2 hehe

Balik tu mama masak hihi. Tambah berpinggan2 okay. Air tangan mak memang tiada tandingannya.

Ayam bakaq beli kat kedai tu pastu apadia lagi ntaah xingat plak sayoq tu jgn ckpla semua nk boh licin plak tu hahaha

The next morning we woke very early in the morning because we are heading out to La Vallee Village. Kalau kat Malaysia ni mcm JPO la kalau kat MCR macam Cheshire Oaks keke. The journey was about 1 hour lebih kurangla xsampai pon hehe. Then train tu mcm ada cabang contoh kalau ke kanan pg La Vallee ke kiri pg Disneyland Paris. Hmmm nnt kena pegi lain and ambik cabang kiri hehe. 

La Vallee is quite interesting. Tapi barang mcm xmampu ja sobs. Kalau nak belli beg Longchamp kat sini mmg beerbaloi sbb murah gla kalau nk compare dgn yg dijual kat luar. Adala beza nak dekat 20 Euro mcm tu. Plusminus la okay. hehe. Cath Kidston pon okay jgak murah2. Yg tu ja la pon yg boleh beli muahaha. After wandering about a couple of hours, we headed home. Sampai petang mcm tu ingat nk jalan2 lagi konon nk tgok Paris lg skali ke apa tapi mama abah dh penat plus esok flight pagi balik MCR so we decided to just rest in the apartment and kemas baraang. 

All in all, I would say I love my trip to Paris. Just because I went there with my most beloved and important persons. Given next time I had a chance to go to France again I would very like to visit Lyon or Nice because France is very big it is quite hard to go to these places. You will need extra days too. Insyaallah one day I will :)

Au Revoir, Paris!