Sunday, 5 June 2011

family day chemy :)

i am sleepy already but i want to write this hehe
so, family day chemy jan'09
it was fun actually..though i didn't go for the morning session
the nite session was very fun
cause practically, we were so happy taking 'our' pictures together, wan, petra and dayu..
it was at the ERT room and eventhough the crowd is not so many
but still, we managed to enjoy it well talking..just see the pictures already hehe

snap2.. :)

with all the presents~

nk adiah ni..tapi xdpat hehe

syahir and petra :)

peace~ lipstick kami merah kott hehe

am,  jelesla2..pajet pun jelesla skali haha

dok buat ayu la plak kita ni kann hehe

peace~ :)

mcm nk nyanyi lagu negaraku pun ada hehe

omooo..tgok muka che'ju tgok2..hehe..jadi glaa..hehe

hahahaha...lawak glaa..ber'camwhore' sebentar hehe

tadaa~ ak dpat pencil shaker kot wehh hehe..fathullah yg bagi..thanx~ :D gambar yg telah disnap ialah..jeng3...115 kott wehh..haha..lama gla xsnap byak2 mcm ni hehe..
anyway..memang best..geng2 sgala puak tu memang ada..
but who long as we're happy hehe..

*there are the things that i haven't felt for so it seems to coming back to me in this peak of situation..thanx dear :) 

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