11 Januari

hari ni dh masuk hari yg baru that is 11 januari 2012tadi tgah scroll2 tgok fb ternampak status one of my utp's friend; masshe reminded us the intake of January09 about this datewanna what that is? 3 years ago.on this very date.we all registered in this beloved universityowh.beloved kot.hehe..teringat lagi first time jejak kaki kat utpfirst impressionpehhh lawa gla tempat ni..sampai sesat ha nk cari tempat registereh.apabenda ni chancellor hall? xpernah dgar plakmungkin ak yg perak.haha..smpai2 ch.owhhh meltingbertuahnya ak dpat blajar kat tempat cantik mcm ni*owh.owh.besarnya library diaao my gass...x sabarnya nk tido dgan buku2 kat situeh2..lawanya blok akademik diaeh2..cari hostel xjumpak plakapabenda village2 ni??aishh mcm2 plak..tapi term dia mcm best.xpala..suke2ngee..eh bilik atas skali??adoi..penatnya nk naikturun..tapi xpala..suka jgak.dh tempat lawa..masuk kelas 1st time..lecture hall mcm buruk kat luar tapi dlm cantik jgak yee..eee..sukala utp ni semua sukaaa
........after several years......
aishh kelas ni pun awat yg asyik dok kelas pkul 8 pagi jaaiii..geram den.eee kelas ni pun awat yg jauh sgat plak..dhla panas.bilik ni pun awat tggi sgat abih makanan yg telan tadiish..apa yg lecturer ni ajaq xtau? awat xpaham2 pun? zzzzzzzzzzzz
muahaha so much complaints now that my seniority is increasingcuti 4 bulan makes me feels that i miss utp so very much.but then, bila dh balik utp mesti rindu kat rumah plak kan?hee normal la tu..what i know is i must enjoy every moment in utpbecause when i'm over with utp, i will look back through all those yearsand that is when i will realize how much i love UTP :)glad that I've decided to come and register at UTP on this 11 January 2009 :D
eh2..teringat lagu 11 januari he used to sing to me. really love that song. or the singer? erm..both! :)
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