16 July 2011
so, after a long day of movie marathon yesterday
i woke up at 6 the next day cause i am going to...
okeh, this is not my first time
2nd actually..except for this time
it is because of Moment to Share RSK
kitorg bertolak guna coaster
then ngantok2 nk tido xleh..huhu
sbbnya ak dok blakang skali and seat utk 3 tapi kitorg duduk 4 org
deng! haha..so..arrived at teluk batik
set up tempat bla3..tgkap2 gambar skit
hehe..ini mesti okeh! hehe
so..we wait for them to arrived
and at last, they arrived at around 11 something
this time, penghuni2 yg datang is bed-ridden
means, they haven't come out from their bed
so, mostly yg dtg semua yg naik kerusi roda, ada yg buta and ada yg kuat jgak hehe
dh smpai2 tu sembang2 skit..
okeh..dh sembang2..main game skit kat bawah tu
hehe..ak kna duduk dlm group 1..
ada ucop, faiqah, aidil and pakcik yg join group kitorg tersgatlah cool hehe
makcik tu pun okay..cuma dia xleh berdiri lama2 and duduk lama2
pastu cane eh? kitorg pun xtau hehe
1st game main boling kelapa
pakcik and makcik tu semangat gla nk baling
soo kitorg pun biar je diorg baling 2 org hehe
2nd game okeh..cari tepung dlm mentos hehe
ini sgat best..hehe..abis muka ak penuh tepung hehe
kitorg semuala..abis dpat bedak free hehe
ini dia pakcik yg cool hehe
okehh..soo..after that..main istana pasir..maybe? hehe
pakcik ni willingly nk duduk bawah pasir hehe
kitorg pun apa lagi haha
okehh..soo..after that..main istana pasir..maybe? hehe
pakcik ni willingly nk duduk bawah pasir hehe
kitorg pun apa lagi haha
diorg ni buat six pack kot kat pakcik ni..nah tgok2
after that..ujan..so..kitorg pun berlari masuk k dalam gazebo dgan pakcik makcik sekalian pastu..ak pun pg la menyebok2 kat bbq punya site hehe
sambil menolong sambil tu jgakla menyumbat hehedh abis semua..makan..then..err...
ak ngan wan pun basuhla pinggan mangkuk dgan diorg yg lain
adoii...byak betul..penat gla dh ak rasa..
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okeh..limiey dgan sapa ntah tu pandai letak je..basuhnye x..hampeh tul haha |
okehh..so..after that..diorg pun balik around 2 something kot
ak ngan wan dh xpg dh antar kitorg just bye2 je hehe
dh penat kot..dhla badan bau asap muka penuh tepung..huhu
dh babai2 semua..ak ngan wan cabut awal gla g naik coaster
kitorg xnk duduk belakang lagi skali hehe
dh okay semua..bertolakla pkul 3 something and we arrived at around 430 pm
balik2 mandi makan dgan ammaq hehe
malam tu ak tido awal glaa penat
lucky, ak xpyah jual nasi lemak esoknya hehe
so overall..memang best dpat spend time dgan pakcik and makcik sekalian
there are only one more trip left..really looking forward to it :)
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